🎉 Nouvelle fonctionalités
a11y: add accessibility statement
geojson: adding some missing geojson
HRV: adding custom zoom
maps: small changes
maps: adding missing geojson
a11y: updating a11y statement
RUS: adding specific message
🐛 Réparation de Bug
accessibility: add title prop to html balises and update indicatorCard
formattedDate: add tag to formattedDate
structure-card: add title and ul in modal structure card
RGAA: accessibility correction
RGAA: accessibility correction
country page: filter
ci/cd: Upgrade the Github Workflow actions
maps: little changes
countriesList: small changes
modal: add modal from dsfr-plus
dependancies: add dsfr-plus to package-lock.json
build: update browserslist
countriesList: adding OECD to the list
front: surcharge dsfr-plus
searchbar: update searchbar display
countriesList: adding OECD to the list
data: api call
map: set custom zoom on maps
You can’t perform that action at this time.