This is a basic implementation of React Flow Chart
A graphical interface to design deployment pipelines
Clone the project and type
npm start
To create nodes, drag and drop them on the canvas.
To delete nodes or links, select them and press 'Delete' on your keyboard.
To view the properties of a node, select it, and a menu will appear on the right. You may alter the attributes here.
In this implementation we will assume a client setup with multiple environments.
- Development
- Test
- Acceptance
- Production
- Development: Dev1, Dev2, ..., Dev16
- Test: Test1, Test2
- Acceptance: Acc1, Acc2, Acc3
- Production: Prod,
- Production-Clones: HardwareAnalysis, Bugfixing, BusinessIntelligence, ...
In the traditional setup, the pipeline may look very simple:
Dev -> Test -> Acc -> Production
In our the scenario, the pipeline may look like this:
Dev1 -> Test2 -> Dev5+Dev8+Dev14 -> Test1 -> Acc1+Acc2+Acc3 -> Prod + HA + Bug + BI
The react-flow-chart is encapuslated, and accessed with a usePipeline hook.
Business relevant information is passed onto the redux-store and is accessible from the application with the useSelector hooks.
When adding a new pipeline in the interface, a basic skeleton is generated in the redux-store. This skeleton is used by dedicated generators to create a react-flow-chart JSON.
Custom callbacks are used providing relevant synchronization.