Execution failed for task ':docker-slim-base:compareImage'.
> The imageId for 'ghcr.io/deephaven/server-slim-base:edge' appears to be out-of-sync with the (local) repository. Possible repo digests are '[ghcr.io/deephaven/server-slim-base@sha256:da144dc2df85de853a1dfcabe7c7cc3eaccf1381151ffe57a87165614564c621]'.
Consider running one of the following, and retrying the compare, to see if the issue persists:
`./gradlew docker-slim-base:pullImage`, or
`docker pull ghcr.io/deephaven/server-slim-base:edge`
If the image is still out-of-sync, it's likely that there is a new release for 'ghcr.io/deephaven/server-slim-base:edge'.
You may run:
`./gradlew docker-slim-base:bumpImage`, or
manually update '/home/runner/work/deephaven-core/deephaven-core/docker/registry/slim-base/gradle.properties' to bring the build logic up-to-date.