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Core Contracts

This repository contains the core smart contracts for the DerpDEX Protocol. For higher level contracts, see the derpdex-periphery repository.

Bug bounty

This repository is subject to the DerpDEX bug bounty program, per the terms defined here.


Contract Testnet Mainnet
Factory 0x9C260E394a96BB3E6836dAE8B9f2075D0b128e83 0x52A1865eb6903BC777A02Ae93159105015CA1517


The NODE_ENV env variable is used to select between the 3 zksync networks(local, testnet, mainnet).

Deploy to mainnet

$ export NODE_ENV=mainnet
$ yarn hardhat compile && yarn hardhat deploy-zksync --script deploy/deploy.ts

Deploy to testnet

$ NODE_ENV=testnet yarn hardhat compile && NODE_ENV=testnet yarn hardhat deploy-zksync --script deploy/deploy.ts 

Manual Verification

$ yarn hardhat verify --network zkSyncNetwork CONTRACT_ADDRESS CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMS 

To check verification Status

$ yarn hardhat verify-status --verification-id VERIFICATION_ID