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desht edited this page Aug 4, 2011 · 7 revisions

Configuration File

ScrollingMenuSign uses a config file in the plugin data directory: plugins/ScrollingMenuSign/config.yml. This is a YAML file and can be edited directly if you want. If you do edit it while the server is running, it's strongly recommended to reload your changes immediately with "/sms reload" - any server reload/restart or "/sms setcfg" command will cause unreloaded changes to be overwritten.

If config.yml doesn't exist when the plugin starts up, a default one will be written (see below for list of defaults).

To view or change configuration settings from within Minecraft, you can use "/sms getcfg" and "/sms setcfg".


/sms getcfg
9 lines (page 1/1)
sms.actions.leftclick.normal = execute
sms.actions.leftclick.sneak = none

To update a setting, use "/sms setcfg ". Example:

/sms setcfg actions.leftclick.sneak execute

Known configuration keys

  • actions.leftclick.normal - action to take if a sign is left-clicked while not sneaking - default "execute"
  • actions.leftclick.sneak - action to take if a sign is left-clicked while sneaking - default "none"
  • actions.rightclick.normal - action to take if a sign is right-clicked while not sneaking - default "scrolldown"
  • actions.rightclick.sneak - action to take if a sign is right-clicked while sneaking - default "scrollup"
  • actions.wheeldown.normal - action to take if mouse wheel is rotated down while targetting a sign and not sneaking - default "none"
  • actions.wheeldown.sneak - action to take if mouse wheel is rotated down while targetting a sign and sneaking - default "scrolldown"
  • actions.wheelup.normal - action to take if mouse wheel is rotated up while targetting a sign and not sneaking - default "none"
  • actions.wheelup.sneak - action to take if mouse wheel is rotated up while targetting a sign and sneaking - default "scrollup"
  • always_use_commandsigns - if true and CommandSigns integration is enabled, all commands are passed to the CommandSigns command parser - default "true"
  • menuitem_separator - the field separator string used in "/sms add" - default "|"
  • no_explosions - if set to true, any explosions (TNT/creeper) that would destroy a menu sign are cancelled and no blocks are damaged - default "false" (see also Sign Protection below)
  • no_physics - if set to true, any physics events (e.g. the block a menu sign is attached to being destroyed) are cancelled, potentially leaving a floating sign - default "false" (see also Sign Protection below)
  • item_justify - justification of all menu items - can be either "left", "right", or "center" - default "left"
  • item_prefix.selected - string to prefix the selected line (line 3) on all signs - default "> "
  • item_prefix.notselected - string to prefix the non-selected lines (lines 2 & 4) on all signs - default " " (2 spaces)

Valid actions for configuration keys under "actions.*" are:

  • none - as name suggests, do nothing
  • execute - execute the currently selected menu item
  • scrollup - scroll the menu up
  • scrolldown - scroll the menu down

Prefix strings for item_prefix.* can include colour codes, but be aware that this will further reduce the number of displayable characters on a menu item.

###Sign Protection

Having menu signs destroyed can be an irritation, so ScrollingMenuSign offers a couple of configuration items to mitigate this.

no_physics: If this is true, then any physics events relating to a menu sign will be cancelled. To see the effect of this, create a sign and add it to a menu. Then destroy the wall the sign is attached to (or the floor it's on if it's a floor sign). With no_physics set to true, the sign will be left floating in mid-air, with the menu still usable. With no_physics set to false, the sign will "pop off", and be quietly removed from the menu it belonged to.

no_explosions: If this is true, then any explosions (creeper or TNT) that would have broken a menu sign will be cancelled, preventing damage to all nearby blocks. Damage to entities from the explosion will not, however, be cancelled (so no standing beside signs to avoid death by creeper!). If set to false, the sign may be destroyed, but will not be removed from its menu. In this case, running /sms list will show missing signs (such locations will be suffixed with [NO SIGN]). You can then either rebuild and replace the sign in the right location, or cleanly remove the sign with "/sms break <location".

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