An app for managing tags largely built on django-taggit We integrated in this package two other add-ons for taggit : - django-taggit-autosuggest - django-taggit-templatetags
So we have a nice styled autocomplete widget and some templatetags to use taggit. Tag slugs are unicode-friendly. That means accented letters are valid URI characters (like they should be !) So you can have differents slugs for differents tags.
- Installation and dependencies::
- $ pip install git+git:// $ pip install django-autoslug $ pip install unicode-slugify $ pip install coop_tag
Add coop_tag (with an underscore) to INSTALLED_APPS in your django project settings. Run python collectstatic in your django project directory. Add the following line a the bottom of your project's file:
(r'^', include('coop_tag.urls')),
To enable Tags, just let the tagged model use the TaggableManager:
from django.db import models from coop_tag.managers import TaggableManager class SomeModel(models.Model): ... tags = TaggableManager(help_text="your optional help text", blank=True,)
If you want to leverage Generic Relations, you can use a through model:
from coop_tag.managers import TaggableManager from coop_tag.models import TaggedItem class SomeModel(models.Model): tags = TaggableManager(through=TaggedItem, blank=True,)
The Tag model and the optional TaggedItem model are configurable, you can use your owns (see seetings above)
You can use the great taggit API like so:
>>> apple = Food.objects.create(name="apple") >>> apple.tags.add("red", "green", "delicious") >>> apple.tags.all() [<Tag: red>, <Tag: green>, <Tag: delicious>] >>> apple.tags.remove("green") >>> apple.tags.all() [<Tag: red>, <Tag: delicious>] >>> Food.objects.filter(tags__name__in=["red"]) [<Food: apple>, <Food: cherry>]
Tags will show up for you automatically in forms and the admin.
Fork of django-taggit-templatetags, a reusable django app which adds some templatetags to django-taggit_. This particular fork uses a fork of django-templatetag-sugar, by Jonas Geiregat, only this version allows us to give multiples arguments to a templatetag.
Now there are some templatetags enabled, at the moment only to create lists of tags and tag-clouds.
In your templates, you need to load tagger_extras
... {% load tagger_extras %} ...
After loading tagger_extras
you can create a list of tags for the whole project (in the sense of djangoproject), for an app (in the sense of djangoapp), for a model-class (to get a list for an instance of a model, just use its tag-field).
For the tags of a project, just do:
{% get_taglist asvar tags %}
To limit the number of tags:
{% get_taglist asvar tags count 25 %}
For the tags of an app, just just mention it without quotes using the forvar
{% get_taglist asvar tags forvar yourapp %}
For the tags of a model, same applies:
{% get_taglist asvar tags forvar yourapp.yourmodel %}
You can also pass the name of the tags manager in your model (if you did not named it tags
{% get_taglist asvar tags forvar yourapp.yourmodel:yourtags %}
No matter what you do, you have a list of tags in the tags
template variable. You can now iterate over it:
<ul id="tags" class="indextags"> {% get_taglist asvar all_tags forvar target_app count 15 %} {% for tag in all_tags %} <li class="tag"> <a href="{{ tag.get_absolute_url }}">{{tag}} ({{tag.num_times}})</a> </li> {% endfor %} </ul>
As you can see, each tag has an attribute num_times
which declares how many times it was used. The list of tags is sorted descending by num_times
For convenience, there's an inclusion-tag. It's used analogue. For example, for a taglist of a model, just do:
{% include_taglist 'yourapp.yourmodel' %}
A very popular way to navigate through tags is a tagcloud_. This app provides some tags for that:
{% get_tagcloud asvar tags %}
{% get_tagcloud asvar tags forvar 'yourapp' %}
{% get_tagcloud asvar tags forvar 'yourapp.yourmodel' %}
respectivly. The resulting list of tags is ordered by their name
attribute. Besides the num_items
attribute, there's a weight
attribute. Its maximum and minimum may be specified as the settings section reads.
Even for the tagcloud there's an inclusion-tag. For example, for a tagcloud of a model, just do:
{% include_tagcloud 'yourapp.yourmodel' %}
- TAGGER_TAG_MODEL (Defaults to 'coop_tag.models.Tag')
- The Tag model used, if you happen to use a custom model.
- TAGGER_TAGGEDITEM_MODEL (Defaults to 'coop_tag.models.TaggedItem')
- The Taggeditem model used, if you happen to use a custom model.
- TAGGER_FKEY_NAME (Defaults to 'coop_local.Tag')
- The linked model on the through model can also be customized (use only if you have the two settings above set)
- Instead of collecting and serving the static files directly, you can also set this variable to your static base URL somewhere else.
- TAGGER_CSS_FILENAME (Defaults to 'coop_tag.css'):
- Set the CSS file which best fits your site elements.
- TAGGER_MAX_SUGGESTIONS (Defaults to 20):
- The amount of suggestions is limited, you can raise or lower the limit of default 20 using this setting
- TAGGER_CLOUD_MIN (default: 1.0)
- This specifies the minimum of the weight attribute of a tagcloud's tags.
- TAGGER_CLOUD_MAX (default: 6.0)
- This specifies the maximum of the weight attribute of a tagcloud's tags.
If you want to use the weight as font-sizes, just do as follows:
<font size={{tag.weight|floatformat:0}}>{{tag}}</font>
So the weights are converted to integer values.
- * Credits *
This project is directly based on those projects: * Alex Gaynor
- Ludwik Trammer:
- Jeremy Epstein:
- Flavio Curella:
- Mathijs de Bruin:
coop-tag uses the same license as Django (BSD). coop-tag development is currently funded by CREDIS, FSE (European Social Fund) and Conseil Regional Auvergne.