This repo stores the HTML & CSS projects I've completed as I progressed through The Tech Academy's curriculum
- Bootstrap Website ("The Pool Academy")
- One-Page Website
- Space Station Website
An example of a fictitious business's home page:
- Created with numerous Bootstrap4 components, including:
- a navbar, a jumbotron, two dropdown menus, two contact forms, & several cards of varying types, layouts, & styles
- HTML has been thoroughly commented to make navigating among its different elements easier
A (humorous!) example of a one-paged website that offers alternative home security options:
- Styled with CSS, it includes:
- a sticky navbar,
- three modals/lightboxes (controllable via thumbnails or Next/Previous buttons),
- relevant images (with "alt" descriptions), and...
- a contact form (with related options organized into groups)
- Humor! 50/50 chance it'll brighten your day!! :)
An example of a fictional Space Travel Company's home page:
- Styled with CSS and containing a navbar, several image containers, & a contact form