a list of data sources on the state of the economy of the People's Republic of China
all data sources are in the Chinese language if not specified otherwise
statistical sections of official websites
- Ministry of Finance (MoF)
- The People's Bank of China (PBOC)
- State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)
- Ministry of Transport (MoT)
- General Administration of Customs
- Ministry of Commerce (MofCom)
- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
- State Post Bureau
- Ministry of Culture and Tourism
- Ministry of Civil Affairs
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Ecology and Environment
- Ministry of Natural Resources - annual statistical reports
- Ministry of Emergency Management
- Civil Aviation Administration of China - in 统计数据 section
- National Immigration Administration
- Public procurement website - public procurement notifications in the PRC
- Communist Party of China (CPC) annual statistics reports
- China Association of Automotive Manufacturers (CAAM) - output and sales figures
- China Passenger Car Association (CPCA)
- China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) - mobile phones sales data (monthly)
- China Central Depository & Clearing Co., Ltd.(CCDC)information system - information about China's bond market
- China Economic Information Network - registration required
- China Containerized Freight Index (CCFI) [ENG]
- Payment and Clearing Association of China
- China electronic local government bond market access (CELMA) - national platform for local government debt information disclosure by MoF
- China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (CASME) - monthly SMEs' Development Index
- National Institution for Finance & Development (NIFD)
- NIFD China's macro leverage ratio database - quarterly data
- China Institute for Employment Research (CIER) index - labor market, quarterly
- The Green Finance & Development Center at FISF Fudan University - Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Investment Report, biannual (February/July) [ENG]
- China Academy of Transportation Sciences - transport sector activity index (中国运输生产指数, CTSI), monthly
- China Railway
- Bank of China - Cross-border RMB Index
- Chinese National Survey Data Archive (CNSDA)
- Chinese Household Income Project (CHIP) - five waves of household surveys, in 1989, 1996, 2003, 2008 and 2013.
- CKGSB Business Conditions Index - business sentiment of executives about the macro-economic environment in China by Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) [ENG]
- China Global Investment Tracker @ American Enterprise Institute - public data set covering China’s global investment and construction
- US-China Investment Hub @ Rhodium - a multiyear research initiative that aims at providing greater transparency on capital flows between China and the United States
- Chinese Investment in Australia @ East Asian Bureau of Economic Research - a public database of Mainland Chinese direct commercial investment in Australia
- SWIFT RMB Tracker - free monthly report from SWIFT Business Intelligence on RMB usage across geographies and financial sectors
- China Policy Change Index - a series of open-source machine learning projects that predict authoritarian regimes’ major policy moves by “reading” their propaganda publications
- China Policy Uncertainty Indices - newspaper-based indices of policy uncertainty in China
- China Labor Bulletin (CLB) maps
- China Vitae - biographical information on more than 5000 Chinese leaders in government, politics, the military, education, business, and the media
- CCP Elite database @ 21st Century China Center, UC San Diego - detailed biographical information of Central Committee and provincial standing committee members since 1976 (Interactive Dashboard)
- Mapping China's Tech Giants @ ASPI
- COVID-19 data for China @ World Health Organization
- Chinese laws & regulations database @ Peking University
- People's Daily archive - published issues from 1946 to 2003