Generates zoombie tile feeds, and aggregate tile feeds from flow source data streams
Application stack is Gradle and Springboot. To setup the project in Intellij, first run:
./gradlew idea
Then open the generated Intellij project file in your IDE.
You'll need to have Docker running to boot app the app, which spins up a postgres instance on docker.
You can download here:
Type docker ps
to confirm docker is running and available in the path.
To bootup the application locally, you need to first have docker machine running. You can launch the server with:
./gradlew bootRun
To completely refresh your postgres Database instances, you can run:
./gradlew refreshP
(shorthand for target refreshPostgres)
./gradlew createTDB
(shorthand for target createTestDB)
For the Swagger UI, navigate to /swagger.html
on the running server (e.g. for localhost, http://localhost:8080/swagger.html
To retrieve the swagger json, navigate to /v2/api-docs
This application is currently deployed on Heroku at For an API-Key on the shared service, please contact [email protected]. We will have account creation setup soon, but while this project is still in early development, accounts are created manually.
Install heroku cli (google)
Log into heroku
heroku login
Create the heroku application
heroku create ds-gridtime
Create the database (can upgrade to hobby-basic just by associating credit card w/ account)
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
Configure the domain
heroku domains:add
Set up SSL
heroku certs:auto:enable
If you have not previously deployed to Heroku, initialize the remote
heroku git:remote -a ds-gridtime
Deploy the application on heroku
git push heroku master
If the server crashes:
heroku restart
If you need to access the server's database:
heroku psql
To tail the server logs:
heroku logs --tail
heroku pg:backups:capture
heroku pg:backups:download
pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h local.docker -U postgres -d gridtime latest.dump