Repo for DSBs TFLint wrapper scripts, ref.
The intention of the scripts in this repo is to provide a compatible and safe way of installing and running TFLint without having to duplicate code in DSBs terraform project repos.
This is how to call the linux wrapper script from bash without having to store a copy locally:
# Without arguments
curl -s |
bash -s --
# With arguments
curl -s |
bash -s -- --help
This is how to call the powershell wrapper script without having to store a copy locally:
# Without arguments
Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
# With arguments
Invoke-Command `
-ScriptBlock ([scriptblock]::Create(((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')) -join "`n")) `
-ArgumentList $false,$true,$false # Force = false, Remove = true, ExitWithCode = false
To simulate calling the script from a remote repo during development use:
# Without arguments
bash -s -- <
# With arguments
bash -s -- --uninstall <
To simulate calling the script from a remote repo during development use:
# Without arguments
Invoke-Expression ([String]::Join("`n",(Get-Content '.\tflint_windows.ps1')))
# With arguments
Invoke-Command `
-ScriptBlock ([scriptblock]::Create((Get-Content '.\tflint_windows.ps1') -join "`n")) `
-ArgumentList $true,$false,$false # Force = true, Remove = true, ExitWithCode = false