This repo provides samples of using dxFeed Java API.
Find useful information in our self-service dxFeed Knowledge Base:
Adding Gradle Dependency
- add information about the new repository in settings.gradle in the dependencyResolutionManagement section
maven {
url ''
- add information about the required dependencies to the dependencies section of build.gradle
implementation ('com.devexperts.qd:dxlink-websocket:3.332')
implementation ('com.devexperts.mdd:auther-api:476') {
exclude module:"qds-monitoring"
implementation 'xerces:xercesImpl:2.12.1'
import com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
// For token-based authorization, use the following address format:
// "[login=entitle:token]"
val endpoint = DXEndpoint.newBuilder().build()
val subscription = endpoint.feed.createSubscription(
subscription?.addEventListener {
it.forEach { event -> println(event) }
I 231130 124734.411 [main] QD - Using QDS-3.325+file-UNKNOWN, (C) Devexperts
I 231130 124734.415 [main] QD - Using scheme com.dxfeed.api.impl.DXFeedScheme slfwemJduh1J7ibvy9oo8DABTNhNALFQfw0KmE40CMI
I 231130 124734.418 [main] MARS - Started time synchronization tracker using multicast with dPyAu
I 231130 124734.422 [main] MARS - Started JVM self-monitoring
I 231130 124734.423 [main] QD - monitoring with collectors [Ticker, Stream, History]
I 231130 124734.424 [main] QD - monitoring DXEndpoint with
I 231130 124734.425 [main] ClientSocket-Distributor - Starting ClientSocketConnector to
I 231130 124734.425 [] ClientSocketConnector - Resolving IPs for
I 231130 124734.427 [] ClientSocketConnector - Connecting to
I 231130 124734.530 [] ClientSocketConnector - Connected to
D 231130 124734.634 [] QD - Distributor received protocol descriptor multiplexor@fFLro [type=qtp, version=QDS-3.319, opt=hs, mars.root=mdd.demo-amazon.multiplexor-demo1] sending [TICKER, STREAM, HISTORY, DATA] from
Quote{AAPL, eventTime=0, time=20231130-123206.000, timeNanoPart=0, sequence=0, bidTime=20231130-123206.000, bidExchange=P, bidPrice=189.36, bidSize=3.0, askTime=20231130-123129.000, askExchange=P, askPrice=189.53, askSize=10.0}
import com.dxfeed.api.DXEndpoint
// The experimental property must be enabled.
System.setProperty("dxfeed.experimental.dxlink.enable", "true")
val endpoint = DXEndpoint.newBuilder().build()
val subscription = endpoint.feed.createSubscription(
subscription?.addEventListener {
it.forEach { event -> println(event) }
I 231130 124929.817 [main] QD - Using QDS-3.325+file-UNKNOWN, (C) Devexperts
I 231130 124929.821 [main] QD - Using scheme com.dxfeed.api.impl.DXFeedScheme slfwemJduh1J7ibvy9oo8DABTNhNALFQfw0KmE40CMI
I 231130 124929.824 [main] MARS - Started time synchronization tracker using multicast with sWipb
I 231130 124929.828 [main] MARS - Started JVM self-monitoring
I 231130 124929.828 [main] QD - monitoring with collectors [Ticker, Stream, History]
I 231130 124929.829 [main] QD - monitoring DXEndpoint with dxfeed.address=dxlink:wss://
I 231130 124929.831 [main] DxLinkClientWebSocket-Distributor - Starting DxLinkClientWebSocketConnector to wss://
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
I 231130 124929.831 [wss://] DxLinkClientWebSocket-Distributor - Connecting to wss://
I 231130 124930.153 [wss://] DxLinkClientWebSocket-Distributor - Connected to wss://
D 231130 124931.269 [oioEventLoopGroup-2-1] QD - Distributor received protocol descriptor [type=dxlink, version=0.1-0.18-20231017-133150, keepaliveTimeout=120, acceptKeepaliveTimeout=5] sending [] from wss://
D 231130 124931.271 [oioEventLoopGroup-2-1] QD - Distributor received protocol descriptor [type=dxlink, version=0.1-0.18-20231017-133150, keepaliveTimeout=120, acceptKeepaliveTimeout=5, authentication=] sending [] from wss://
Quote{AAPL, eventTime=0, time=20231130-123421.000, timeNanoPart=0, sequence=0, bidTime=20231130-123421.000, bidExchange=Q, bidPrice=189.47, bidSize=4.0, askTime=20231130-123421.000, askExchange=P, askPrice=189.53, askSize=10.0}
To familiarize with the dxLink protocol, please click here.
- Quote Table - simple application that can get current quotes
- Latency Test App - application that displays the latency in receiving data. Based on the difference between system time and event time
- Perf Test App - application for evaluating device performance. Metric: number of events per second that pass through the QD. It is important that the metric also depends on the bandwidth between device and multiplexor