A scala library to parse, transform, and print g-code files
I just started on that. For the moment, it just parses and prints basic g-code files. There are limitations to the kind of gcode can be parsed/represented. Currently, modal commands not supported. See "ToDo" below for more details.
This is the way I'm currently using it.
- install Jupyter
- install Almond
- run
sbt publishLocal
in this folder - open the file notebook/samples.ipynb in Jupyter to see examples
TL;DR it works better if the commands start with G
, M
, or O
Use Empty
when the command is not specified.
When I started this, I was only looking at g-code from 3D printer slicer. They all followed the restriction above so I incorrectly assumed it was like that. Later, when I started to play with CNC routers I learned about modal commands (e.g. a line to set the feed without any motion command, not repeating G1).
Some more extractors for commands. For instance:
case G(1, params) => ...
.case G(1.5, X(var1) :: remainingParams ) => ...
.- ...
A few sample classes of g-code transformers:
- remove comments
- sanitization / well-formedness check
- change unit (inch to mm and return)
- scale, translate, rotate
- circular motion to segments (given a maximal acceptable error)
have an abstract machine to simulate the code, i.e., get the state of the machine at any point in time.
Extend the abstract machine to
- estimate machining time
- keep track of
- spindle: off | clockwise | counter-clockwise (RPM?)
- coolant: off | mist | flood
- ? cutter radius compensation
- ? tool length offset
- ? extruder(s) feedrate/position
- ? value of other parameters