Default Config:
"appIsLive": true // determines the state of the app, when false a nuke call causes the database to reset
, "ownerEmail": "[email protected]" // default sender address for emails sent by the system
, "reloadpw": "1" // password to use as URL parameter: ?reload=1
, "datasource": "" // name of the CF datasource
, "nukeScript": "" // SQL script used to initialize the database with data
, "useOrm": true // Not all apps need a database, but those that do are managed using ORM in Mustang.
, "root": "root" // name of the root mapping of the app
, "encryptKey": "" // basic default encrypt key
, "showDebug": false // shows the FW/1 trace when true
, "logLevel": "information" // default log level, can be: debug, information, warning, error or fatal
, "debugEmail": "[email protected]" // where to send errors generated by the app
, "debugIP": "" // who to show debug info to
, "defaultLanguage": "en_US" // default locale to use
, "log": true // whether or not to use logging changes to records in the database
, "logNotes": false // include a mandatory note with every change made to database records
, "disableSecurity": false // app need no login
, "dontSecureFQA": "" // which fully qualified actions don't need a login
, "contentSubsystems": "" // which subsystems use the Mustang CMS
, "securedSubsystems": "" // which subsystems are secured using a login
, "secureDefaultSubsystem": true // is the main subsystem secured
, "paths": { } // paths needed by the app, usefull for dev/staging/live environments