- Get you shiz into BIDS format
- Run the fmriprep (--anat) container
- note: this is useful because it can be resubmitted if it times out more easily
- Run the fmriprep_ciftify container
TBA but there's lots of help for this
see examples/sbatch_fmriprep1.1.2_anat_p08.sh
script for example code..
see examples/sbatch_fmriprep_ciftify_p08.sh
script for example code..
getting it onto scinet using datalad
This bit installs the ds000003 folder structure and metadata into my $SCRATCH folder
singularity run -B $SCRATCH/datalad:/scratch /scinet/course/ss2018/3_bm/8_publicdataneuro/datalad-datalad-master-fullmaster.simg install -s ///openfmri/ds000003 /scratch/ds000003
This bit will actually pull the data for one subject into my scratch.
singularity run -B $SCRATCH/datalad:/scratch /scinet/course/ss2018/3_bm/8_publicdataneuro/datalad-datalad-master-fullmaster.simg get /scratch/ds000003/sub-01
first I moved these script into my scinet home using git. Note: this is highly recommended
cd ${home}/code
git clone https://github.com/edickie/bids-on-scinet.git
note that as the progect progresses I will add new scripts to the repo and run them using ...
cd ${home}/code/bids-on-scinet
git pull
mkdir $SCRATCH/sing_home
sbatch ~/code/bids-on-scinet/examples/sbatch_fmriprep1.1.2_anat_p08.sh
I will them check if my job ran using:
squeue -u $USER
First (easy way to check) is to look for the words "no errors" in you fmriprep reports
When things time out there is usually a IsRunning.lh+rh in the subjects output for example this output from
cd ${SCRATCH}/bids_outputs/ds000003/fmriprep_p08/freesurfer/sub-02/scripts
gave me this output
edickie@nia-login07:/scratch/a/arisvoin/edickie/bids_outputs/ds000003/fmriprep_p08/freesurfer/sub-02/scripts$ ls -lrt
total 2048
-rw-rw-r-- 1 edickie arisvoin 58 Aug 2 15:58 build-stamp.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 edickie arisvoin 7983 Aug 2 15:58 recon-all.env.bak
-rw-rw-r-- 1 edickie arisvoin 1 Aug 2 16:11 patchdir.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 edickie arisvoin 58 Aug 2 16:11 lastcall.build-stamp.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 edickie arisvoin 7836 Aug 2 16:11 recon-all.env
-rw-rw-r-- 1 edickie arisvoin 360 Aug 2 16:11 IsRunning.lh+rh
-rwxrwxr-x 1 edickie arisvoin 327555 Aug 2 16:11 recon-all.local-copy
-rw-rw-r-- 1 edickie arisvoin 616 Aug 2 16:18 recon-all-status.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 edickie arisvoin 2871 Aug 2 16:18 recon-all.cmd
-rw-rw-r-- 1 edickie arisvoin 102921 Aug 2 17:32 recon-all.log
To rerun if would delete the IsRunning.*
file and resubmit the script
rm IsRunning.lh+rh
cd $SCRATCH/sing_home
sbatch ~/code/bids-on-scinet/examples/sbatch_fmriprep1.1.2_anat_p08.sh
Before we start, we should use git to pull in the newest version of our scripts. (Which, I assume, we have been busy writing...)
cd ${home}/code/bids-on-scinet
git pull
submit them to the queue
cd $SCRATCH/sing_home
sbatch ~/code/bids-on-scinet/examples/sbatch_fmriprep_ciftify_p08.sh