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Read classification analysis mode

maelyg edited this page Nov 28, 2023 · 2 revisions
  • Perform a direct blast homology search using megablast (--megablast).

    Example 1 using a viral database:

    # Check for presence of adapters.
    # Perform a direct read homology search using megablast against a viral database.
    nextflow run eresearchqut/ontvisc -resume -profile {singularity, docker} \
                                --adapter_trimming \
                                --analysis_mode read_classification \
                                --megablast \
                                --blast_threads 8 \
                                --blast_mode localdb \
                                --blastn_db /path/to/local_blast_db

    Example 2 using NCBI nt:

    # Check for presence of adapters .
    # Perform a direct read homology search using megablast and the NCBI NT database. 
    # You will need to download a local copy of the NCBI NT database. 
    # The blast search will be split into several jobs, containing 10,000 reads each, that will run in parallel. 
    # The pipeline will use 8 cpus when running the blast process.
    nextflow run eresearchqut/ontvisc -resume -profile {singularity, docker} \
                                --adapter_trimming \
                                --analysis_mode read_classification \
                                --megablast \
                                --blast_threads 8 \
                                --blast_mode ncbi \ #default
                                --blastn_db /path/to/ncbi_blast_db/nt
  • Perform a direct taxonomic classification of reads using Kraken2 and/or Kaiju.

    # Check for presence of adapters
    # Perform a direct taxonomic read classification using Kraken2 and Kaiju. 
    # You will need to download Kraken2 index (e.g. PlusPFP) and Kaiju indexes (e.g. kaiju_db_rvdb).
    nextflow run eresearchqut/ontvisc -resume -profile {singularity, docker} \
                                --adapter_trimming \
                                --analysis_mode read_classification \
                                --kraken2 \
                                --krkdb /path/to/kraken2_db \
                                --kaiju \
                                --kaiju_dbname /path/to/kaiju/kaiju.fmi \
                                --kaiju_nodes /path/to/kaiju/nodes.dmp \
                                --kaiju_names /path/to/kaiju/names.dmp
  • Perform direct read homology search using megablast and the NCBI NT database and direct taxonomic read classification using Kraken2 and Kaiju.

    # Check for presence of adapters
    # Filter reads against reference host
    # Perform a direct read homology search using megablast and the NCBI NT database.
    # Perform a direct taxonomic read classification using Kraken2 and Kaiju.
    nextflow run eresearchqut/ontvisc -resume -profile {singularity, docker} \
                                --adapter_trimming \
                                --host_filtering \
                                --host_fasta /path/to/host/fasta/file \
                                --analysis_mode read_classification \
                                --kraken2 \
                                --krkdb /path/to/kraken2_db \
                                --kaiju \
                                --kaiju_dbname /path/to/kaiju/kaiju.fmi \
                                --kaiju_nodes /path/to/kaiju/nodes.dmp \
                                --kaiju_names /path/to/kaiju/names.dmp \
                                --megablast --blast_mode ncbi \
                                --blast_threads 8 \
                                --blastn_db /path/to/ncbi_blast_db/nt