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Recycling Locator

Powered by, this tool can be used to search and find recycling locations throughout the United Kingdom. It’s been created as an embeddable widget that can be added to any website to help visitors discover more recycling options.

Add the widget to your website

To apply to embed the widget on your website, email us at [email protected].

Installation won't work until your application has been approved.

Option 1: Install the script

Add the script above the closing </body> tag.

<script src="" async defer></script>

Include an element with the id "wrap-rlw" into your HTML, this is where the widget will be output.

<div id="wrap-rlw"></div>

Include the global stylesheet (optional)

<link href="">

Option 2: Install the web component

Install via NPM

npm i -S @etchteam/recycling-locator`

Include the web component in your HTML, this is where the widget will be output.


Include the stylesheet within your website styles (optional)

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

⚠️ Dependabot is configured to notify daily for NPM version changes, falling out of date means the widget could stop working due to upstream breaking API changes.

Available settings


Use the locale attribute to set the language.

The language code for Welsh (cy) is currently the only supported language code.


<script src="..." data-locale="cy"></script>

Web component

<recycling-locator locale="cy"></recycling-locator>


Accepted values are red, blue, green, orange, purple, brown, navy, or black.


<script src="..." data-theme="red"></script>

Web component

<recycling-locator theme="red"></recycling-locator>

CSS variables

For more granular control over the theme, add CSS variables to your stylesheet.

  /* The primary colour is the main color that's changed via theme presets */
  --recycling-locator-color-primary-lightest: #eef5e5;
  --recycling-locator-color-primary-light: #dfefc8;
  --recycling-locator-color-primary: #8dc63f;
  --recycling-locator-color-primary-dark: #297f00;

  /* Other variables control specific parts of the UI */
  --recycling-locator-theme-background: #fff;
  --recycling-locator-theme-background-muted-light: #f5f6f8;
  --recycling-locator-theme-heading-color-light: #222;
  --recycling-locator-theme-color-light: #222;
  --recycling-locator-theme-color-muted-light: #4f4f4f;
  --recycling-locator-theme-color-hover: var(--recycling-locator-color-primary-dark);
  --recycling-locator-theme-border-color-light: #cfd1d3;
  --recycling-locator-theme-border-color-hover-light: var(--recycling-locator-color-primary-dark);
  --recycling-locator-theme-link-color: #0077ab;


The initial path to load. Common examples include:

  • /{postcode} to pre-fill the location
  • /home-recycling for home recycling embeds
  • /material?materials=111&search=Cereal boxes to pre-select a material
  • /{postcode}/places/{placeName}/{placePostcode} to load a single place

To discover other possible initial path combinations, take note of the path in the URL whilst navigating on the standalone version of the tool at


<script src="..." data-initial-path="/home-recycling"></script>

Web component

<recycling-locator path="/home-recycling"></recycling-locator>


This setting is only available for the script installation method for backwards compatibility.

The same can be achieved by passing materials in the path web component attribute.

Example with material id:

<script src="..." data-materials="1"></script>

Example with multiple materials:

<script src="..." data-materials="[1,2]"></script>
View the list of available material IDs
ID Name Name (cy)
1 Cardboard egg boxes Bocs cardfwrdd ar gyfer wyau
2 Cardboard fruit and veg punnets Basgedi cardfwrdd ar gyfer ffrwythau a llysiau
3 Cardboard sleeves Cloriau cardfwrdd
4 Cereal boxes Bocsys grawnfwyd
5 Corrugated cardboard Cardfwrdd gwrymiog
6 Food and drink cartons Cartonau bwyd a diodydd
7 Toilet roll tubes Rholiau papur tŷ bach
8 Greeting cards Cardiau cyfarch
9 Brown envelopes Amlenni brown
10 Junk mail Llythyrau sgrwtsh
11 Magazines Cylchgronau
12 Newspapers Papurau newydd
13 Shredded paper Papur wedi’i falu
14 Telephone directories Cyfeirlyfr ffôn
15 Window envelopes Amlenni ffenestr
16 Yellow Pages Tudalennau melyn
17 Books Llyfrau
18 Aluminium foil Papur alwminiwm
19 Foil trays Hambyrddau papur arian
20 Glass bottles and jars Poteli a jariau gwydr
21 Ovenware (pyrex) Llestri popty (pyrex)
22 Window glass Gwydr ffenestri
23 Aerosols Erosolau
24 Drinks cans Caniau diodydd
25 Food tins Tuniau bwyd
26 Metal lids from glass jars Caeadau metel jariau gwydr
27 Scrap metal Metel sgrap
28 Batteries Batrïau
29 Bicycles Beiciau
30 Cork Corcyn
31 Spectacles Sbectol
32 Stamps Stampiau
33 Upholstered furniture Dodrefn wedi eu clustogi
34 Non-upholstered furniture Dodrefn heb eu clustogi
35 Bric-a-brac Mân drugareddau
36 Non-electric toys & games Tegannau a gemau anelectronig
37 Toner & printer cartridges Cetris peiriant argraffu
38 Ceramics Llestri
39 Water filters Hidlydd dŵr
40 Prams & pushchairs Pramiau a choetsys cadair
41 Records, CDs & DVDs Recordiau, CD a DVD
42 Household cleaner & detergent bottles Poteli hylifau glanhau
43 Plastic milk bottles Poteli llaeth
44 Plastic drinks bottles Poteli diodydd
45 Toiletries & shampoo bottles Poteli sebon a siampŵ
46 Plastic carrier bags Bagiau siopa
47 Food pots & tubs Potiau a thybiau bwyd
48 Margarine tubs Tybiau margarin
49 Plant pots Potiau planhigion
50 Plastic trays Hambyrddau plastig
51 Yoghurt pots Potiau iogwrt
52 Clothing Dillad
53 Household linens Llieiniau’r cartref
54 Shoes & bags Esgidiau a bagiau
55 Fridge & freezers Oergelloedd a rhewgelloedd
56 Electric cookers & ovens Poptai trydan
57 Washing machines & dryers Peiriannau golchi a sychu
58 Laptops Cliniaduron
59 Computers Cyfrifiaduron
60 TVs Setiau teledu
61 DVD/CD players Chwaraewyr DVD/CD
62 Hi-fi Hi-fi
63 Telephones/fax Teleffonau/ffacs
64 Mobile phones Ffonau poced
65 Cameras Camerâu
66 Toasters, kettles, & vacuums Peiriant tostio, tegell, sugnwr llwch
67 Hairdryers & electric toothbrushes Sychwr gwallt, brws dannedd trydan
68 Electrical home & garden tools Offer trydan i’r cartref a’r ardd
69 Electronic toys & games Tegannau a gemau electronig
70 Energy-saving light bulbs Bylbiau arbed ynni
71 Microwave Microdon
72 Table lamps Llampiau bwrdd
73 Kitchen oils Olew coginio
74 Cleaning fluids Hylif glanhau
75 Paint, varnish Paent, farnais
76 Paint (for reuse) Paent (i’w ailddefnyddio)
77 Gas bottles Poteli nwy
78 Tyres Teiars
79 Car batteries Batrïau ceir
80 Engine oil Olew peiriant
81 Bricks, rubble & concrete Briciau, rwbel, concrit
82 Soil Pridd
83 Asbestos Asbestos
84 Doors, beams, fireplaces Drysau, trawstiau, llefydd tân
85 Scrap wood Coed sgrap
86 Flowers Blodau
87 Grass cuttings Torion gwair
88 Leaves Dail
89 Plants Planhigion
90 Prunings & twigs Brigiau a thorion llwyni
91 Weeds Chwyn
92 Christmas trees Coed Nadolig
93 Bread Bara
94 Cakes & pastries Teisennau, cacennau
95 Dairy products - eggs, cheese & milk Cynnyrch llaeth – wyau, caws, llaeth
96 Raw & cooked meat including bones Cig amrwd neu wedi’i goginio, gan gynnwys esgyrn
97 Raw & cooked fish including bones Pysgod amrwd neu wedi’u coginio, gan gynnwys esgyrn
98 Raw & cooked vegetables including peelings Llysiau amrwd neu wedi’u coginio, gan gynnwys plicion
99 Rice Reis
100 Pasta Pasta
101 Beans & pulses Ffa a chodlysiau
102 Uneaten food & plate scrapings Bwyd heb ei fwyta a chrafion platiau
103 Tea leaves, tea bags & coffee grinds Dail te, cydau te a gwaddod coffi
104 Uneaten food without packaging Bwyd heb ei fwyta heb becynnu
105 Paper cups Cwpanau papur
106 Set top boxes Blychau-pen-set
107 Routers Llwybryddion
108 Coffee cups cwpanau coffi
109 Bread bags Bagiau bara plastig
110 Glue sticks Glue sticks
111 Expanded polystyrene Polystyren ehangedig
112 Frozen food bags Bagiau bwydydd o’r rhewgell
113 Cereal liners Bagiau leinio grawnfwyd
114 Delivery bags Bagiau danfon nwyddau drwy’r post
115 Multi-pack wrapping Deunydd lapio pecynnau aml-becyn
116 Salad, pasta, and rice bags Bagiau salad, pasta a reis
117 Cheese, fish and meat wrapping Deunydd lapio caws, pysgod a chig
118 Crisp packets and sweet bags Pecynnau creision a bagiau losin
119 Biscuit and chocolate wrappers Deunydd lapio bisgedi a siocled
120 Baby, pet food, detergent and cleaning pouches Pecynnau meddal bwydydd babanod, anifeiliaid anwes, glanhawyr a nwyddau glanhau
121 Plastic film lids Caeadau haenen blastig
122 Toilet roll wrapping Bagiau papur toiled
123 Plastic lipstick or lip balm tubes Tiwbiau minlliw neu balm gwefusau
124 Plastic eyeliner or concealer pen Pen llinellu llygaid neu golur cuddio
125 Plastic concealer or eye shadow tubes (inc applicator) Tiwbiau colur cuddio neu golur llygaid (yn cynnwys y ffon)
126 Plastic mascara tubes (inc brush, wand) Tiwbiau masgara plastig (yn cynnwys y brwsh/ffon)
127 Eyeshadow & brow palettes & compacts Casys powdr colur llygaid ac aeliau
128 Plastic make-up tubes Tiwbiau plastig sy’n dal colur
129 Plastic lip balm pots Potiau plastig sy’n dal balm gwefusau
130 Plastic body, hair and face cream pot and tubes Tybiau a phostiau plastig sy’n dal hylif corff, cynnyrch gwallt neu eli wyneb
131 Plastic body lotion, hand cream and sunscreen tubes Tiwbiau plastig sy’n dal hylif corff, eli dwylo neu eli haul
132 Plastic refill pouches Pecynnau plastig meddal ar gyfer ail-lenwi poteli ac ati
133 Plastic sachets, samples and hotel bottle minis Pecynnau plastig bychain ar gyfer samplau, poteli mini a geir mewn gwestai
134 Plastic dropper bottles Poteli diferydd plastig
135 Plastic roll-on and stick deodorants Pecynnau diaroglydd rholiwr neu flocyn diaroglydd plastig
136 Plastic combs Cribau plastig
137 Plastic contact lens cases Casys lensys cyffwrdd plastig
138 Plastic toothpaste tubes Tiwbiau past dannedd plastig
139 Face and hair mask packaging (single use) Deunyddiau pacio masg wyneb a gwallt (rhai untro)
140 Wipes packets Pecynnau weips
141 Toothbrushes or electronic toothbrush heads Brwshys dannedd neu bennau brwshys dannedd electronig
142 Walking aids Cymhorthion cerdded
143 Absorbent hygiene products (AHP) Cynnyrch hylendid amsugnol (AHP)
144 Vapes/e-cigarettes vapes/e-sigarennau
145 Coffee pods Podiau coffi
146 Asbestos Asbestos

Public path

This setting is only available for the web component installation method.

This setting can be used to set a public URL to load assets from, the path should always end with a /.

If not provided, jsdelivr CDN will be used.

The following example would serve assets from your websites public directory:

<recycling-locator public-path="/public/"></recycling-locator>

To self-host assets, static files can be moved from node_modules using a postinstall script.

cp -r ./node_modules/@etchteam/recycling-locator/dist/images ./public
cp -r ./node_modules/@etchteam/recycling-locator/dist/translations ./public
cp ./node_modules/@etchteam/recycling-locator/dist/recycling-locator.css ./public
cp ./node_modules/@etchteam/recycling-locator/dist/styles.css ./public

Content Security Policy (CSP)

If your website implements a CSP, it'll need some changes based on whether the script or web component installation option is being used.


  • img-src data: https://*;
  • script-src 'unsafe-eval';
  • connect-src blob: https://* https://* https://*;
  • style-src 'unsafe-inline';
  • font-src https://*;
  • worker-src blob:;

Web component

  • img-src data: https://*;
  • script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval';
  • connect-src blob: https://* https://* https://*;
  • style-src 'unsafe-inline';
  • font-src https://*;
  • worker-src blob:;

Listening for when the locator has loaded

The <recycling-locator> will dispatch a custom "ready" event when the UI has rendered.

  .addEventListener('ready', () => {'Ready to recycle');


Looking to contribute to the code? A good starting point is the contributing docs.