This module is part of a project to simplify the provisioning of MongoDB on AWS cloud using Terraform. You may also wish to consider one of the other approaches.
A terraform module to launch the single tier mongo instance on AWS
These types of resources are supported:
EC2 instance
- [Terraform] - Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is an open source tool that codifies APIs into declarative .
Install terraform using below documentation
Before you start using this module, you need create your own mongodb AMI modules.
ami id of custom mongodb image
You can start building your images using this packer-repo. You can pass the created AMI id to the this module.
module "terraform-mongodb" {
source = "[email protected]:everest-engineering/terraform-aws-mongodb-packer.git"
ami = "ami-0091d303b9f45e661"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
subnet_id = "subnet-eddcdzz4"
tags = {
Name = "New packer mongo"
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
ami | ID of AMI to use for the instance | string | n/a | yes |
instance_count | Number of instances to launch | number | "1" | no |
instance_type | The type of instance to start | string | n/a | yes |
subnet_id | The VPC Subnet ID to launch in | string | "" | no |
vpc_security_group_ids | A list of security group IDs to associate with | list | "null" | no |
key_name | The key name to use for the instance | string | "" | no |
tags | A mapping of tags to assign to the resource | list | {} | no |
platform | Name of the Base vanilla image os | string | ubuntu-18.04 | no |
mongodb_version | Mongodb version | string | 4.2 | no |
ami_version | Version of ami | string | v1.0 | no |
replica_count | Number of nodes for replica set | number | 3 | no |
db_admin_user | Administrative user for managing mongo db | string | "admin" | no |
db_admin_pwd | Administrative user password | string | "admin" | no |
private_key | A private key file to provision instances | string | "" | yes |
Name | Description |
instance_id_list | List of IDs of instances |
instance_arn_list | List of ARNs of instances |
instance_key_name_list | List of key names of instances |
instance_private_ip_list | List of private IP addresses assigned to the instances, if applicable |
instance_security_group_list | List of associated security groups of instances |
instance_vpc_security_group_id_list | List of associated security groups of instances |
instance_subnet_id_list | List of IDs of VPC subnets of instances |
instance_tags_list | List of tags of instances |
instance_state_list | List of instance states of instances |
- Install Go
- Configure AWS Credentials as environment variables as mentioned above.
> cd test
> go test -v
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