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This module is part of a project to simplify the provisioning of MongoDB on AWS cloud using Terraform. You may also wish to consider one of the other approaches.

Terraform module to provision MongoDB using Packer

A terraform module to launch the single tier mongo instance on AWS.

These types of resources are supported: EC2 instance

MongoDB on Packer EC2 Instances


  • [Terraform] - Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is an open source tool that codifies APIs into declarative .


Install terraform using below documentation


Before you start using this module, you need create your own mongodb AMI modules. ami id of custom mongodb image

To build Mongodb AMI:

You can start building your images using this packer-repo. You can pass the created AMI id to the this module.

Module usage

module "terraform-mongodb" {
  source = "[email protected]:everest-engineering/terraform-aws-mongodb-packer.git"
  ami = "ami-0091d303b9f45e661"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"
  subnet_id = "subnet-eddcdzz4"
  tags = {
    Name = "New packer mongo"




Name Description Type Default Required
ami ID of AMI to use for the instance string n/a yes
instance_count Number of instances to launch number "1" no
instance_type The type of instance to start string n/a yes
subnet_id The VPC Subnet ID to launch in string "" no
vpc_security_group_ids A list of security group IDs to associate with list "null" no
key_name The key name to use for the instance string "" no
tags A mapping of tags to assign to the resource list {} no
platform Name of the Base vanilla image os string ubuntu-18.04 no
mongodb_version Mongodb version string 4.2 no
ami_version Version of ami string v1.0 no
replica_count Number of nodes for replica set number 3 no
db_admin_user Administrative user for managing mongo db string "admin" no
db_admin_pwd Administrative user password string "admin" no
private_key A private key file to provision instances string "" yes


Name Description
instance_id_list List of IDs of instances
instance_arn_list List of ARNs of instances
instance_key_name_list List of key names of instances
instance_private_ip_list List of private IP addresses assigned to the instances, if applicable
instance_security_group_list List of associated security groups of instances
instance_vpc_security_group_id_list List of associated security groups of instances
instance_subnet_id_list List of IDs of VPC subnets of instances
instance_tags_list List of tags of instances
instance_state_list List of instance states of instances


  1. Install Go
  2. Configure AWS Credentials as environment variables as mentioned above.
> cd test
> go test -v


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