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David Blue edited this page Dec 4, 2023 · 4 revisions

Updated 12042023-112245


DavodTime Banner


I decided to create my own standardized time format because I was getting tired of getting confused by my own timestamps.

Ex: 01152022-135757 05212022-042625

<script src=""></script>

Siri Shortcut


Showcuts Source

date() >> date
formatDate(date: "${Date}", dStyle: Custom, custom: "MMddYYYY-HHmmss") >> formatDate
var DavodTime = Formatted Date
setClipboard(variable: Formatted Date) >> setClipboard

WordPress Date/Time

As specified in this documentation, dtime is represented in WordPress applications as:


Drafts Actions

To represent dtime notation in Drafts actions:



Since I’m in the process of learning JavaScript, I think it would be interesting to attempt the creation of a live clock webpage displaying the current, timezone-adjusted time in DavodTime.


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