The simplest way to export your NodeJS Applications metrics to Prometheus.
yarn add @moraes/prometheus-nodejs-exporter
//or with npm
npm install --save @moraes/prometheus-nodejs-exporter
You can now load the agent module using the preload sintax, without need to change your production code:
node -r node_modules/@moraes/prometheus-nodejs-exporter myServer.js
Congradulations, now you have all the metrics exported at:
Example values:
nodejs_app_cpu_percent 0.008496580143248911
nodejs_app_cpu_system 4474
nodejs_app_cpu_user 29499
nodejs_app_memory_percent 0.00238173648447801
nodejs_app_memory_rss_allocated_byte 39546880
nodejs_app_memory_total_byte 16604221440
nodejs_app_memory_heap_percent 0.5280970213498623
nodejs_app_memory_heap_used_byte 4711200
nodejs_app_memory_heap_total_byte 8921088
nodejs_app_memory_ext_usage_byte 1625018
nodejs_app_event_loop_delay_ms 0
nodejs_app_runtime_ms 6003
nodejs_app_gc_total_ms{type="scavenge"} 0
nodejs_app_gc_total_ms{type="mark_sweep_compact"} 0
nodejs_app_gc_total_ms{type="incremental_marking"} 0
nodejs_app_gc_total_ms{type="process_weak_callbacks"} 0
nodejs_app_gc_total_ms{type="all"} 0
The following variables can be used to customize de metrics exporter:
- PROMETHEUS_SCHEDULE_TIMER (default 2000 ms): Time used to read and update the metrics values
- PROMETHEUS_METRICS_PATH (default metrics): Path that will respond the metrics
This library works with all http servers based on nodejs http, https or http2
modules like Express
and so on.