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Franco Pestilli edited this page Aug 24, 2016 · 8 revisions

Shows the log with the actual changes to the code (diff)

 git log -p

This will copy the status of the code from the online repository to your local clone of the the same branch (master)

 git pull upstream master

Commit changes to a local branch:

 git commit -am "ENH: some message here"

Push the changes online:

 git push origin life_devo

Make a branch:

 git branch name_branch_01

Push the branch upstream:

 git push -u origin name_branch_01

Now you can go online and start a pull request to merge the life_devo repository into the master repository. There are alternative commands from the terminal to do that but I am not writing this down here. After the pull request has been accepted you can potentially delete the copies of the repository (life_devo) from your local machine and from the cloud (see next lines).

Delete a branch locally (that has been cleared and integrated into master):

 git branch -d vs_mrtrix

Delete a branch online (github)

 git push origin :vs_mrtrix

Alternative example below:

 i1:life (add_files_from_original) $git remote -v
 origin (fetch)
 origin (push)
 upstream	https://[email protected]/brain-life/life.git (fetch)
 upstream	https://[email protected]/brain-life/life.git (push)
 i1:life (add_files_from_original) $git fetch upstream
 i1:life (add_files_from_original) $git push upstream add_files_from_original
 Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
 To https://[email protected]/brain-life/life.git
 * [new branch]      add_files_from_original -> add_files_from_original