Sample for serving keys via a persistent token extension
The OWASP Cheat Sheet Series was created to provide a concise collection of high value information on specific application security topics.
A KeePass plugin allowing you to open your database using either a master password OR an X509 certificate.
Oracle JavaCard Classic SDK-s for using as a Git submodule for ant-javacard projects
Web app to generate table of contents of markdown file. Built with Play Framework for Scala .
Open source smart card tools and middleware. PKCS#11/MiniDriver/Tokend
PIV applet for JavaCard 2.2.2 and 3.0.4+ with full ECDSA/ECDH support
A CSP for the OpenPGP card - goal: add write support for certificate enrollment
umbrella project for emulation of smart card readers or smart cards
frankmorgner / OpenSC
Forked from OpenSC/OpenSCsmart card middleware (PKCS#11, Minidriver, Tokend) with extended support for contactless cards
A simple smartcard shell with a convenient way to enter raw APDUs