Docker with preinstalled g++, cmake, make, mysql client library, pkg-config and etc...
If need you can expand this list, I will not be against.
For release you can must use symmentric docker image:
# stage 0: build binary
FROM freehackquest/debian-10-for-cpp-build:latest
LABEL "maintainer"="Your Name <[email protected]>"
LABEL "repository"=""
COPY ./your-project /root/sources
WORKDIR /root/sources
RUN ./ && ./
# stage 1: release
FROM freehackquest/debian-10-for-cpp-common:latest
LABEL "maintainer"="Your Name <[email protected]>"
LABEL "repository"=""
COPY --from=0 /root/sources/your-project.bin /usr/bin/your-project.bin
COPY ./your-project-data /usr/share/your-project-data
CMD ["your-project.bin","start"]