- 1_WaLakesCN_explore.R - looks at some of the basic differences among ~25 lowland washington lakes and winnows the dataset to lakes used for project
- 2a_LittoralPelagic_lakes.R - littoral - pelagic mixing model (species means)
- 2b_LittoralPelagic_individual.R - individual pelagic - littoral mixing models (lakes with arsenic)
- 3_ArsenicCN.R - reads Erin's data from googledrive, tidys it, and looks at a combined C, N, and As data
- Ang_Kil_Isotopebiplots.R - quickly look at preliminary CN data for two lakes.
- Angle_Lake.R -
- Z_Cutscript.R - Where I dump code I'm not willing to delete forever
- two lakes
- several lakes
- Trophic.xlsx is the data read into R from googledrive
- paper comparing different approaches to estimating Pumpkinseed diet
- PPT for Julian/Beka meeting (also becoming prep to meet with Erin)
- all figures.