Releases: gabonator/LA104
Winter 2022 LA104 release
Fixed uart API, fixed CRC verification
Added more apps
LA104 release
In honor of my name's day :)
Including filesystem image for faster installation (see system/scripts/ script)
DS213 release
including original DS213 oscilloscope software, simple oscilloscope, simple generator, web usb oscilloscope and WS2812 addressable led tester
LA104 release
First stable version, enjoy!
DS203 beta release
Beta release for the DS203, including oscilloscope application, webusb oscilloscope, signal generator and a few applications showing ability of this operating system. Flash system_ds203.hex through DFU mode. Use dfuload utility on linux/mac, or copy the file using explorer (you may need to copy it twice to get .RDY response) or use command line "copy" command on windows.
After flashing, the device will ask for "shell.elf". Copy it from the ds203apps archive, and when the file manager will be running, copy all the remaining files
LA104 beta release
Full featured release with gui and more than 30 useful applications
LA104 mini release 2020.01
Mini release for LA104 with few applications
WebUsb Oscilloscope for DS203
firmware and binaries for webusb oscilloscope
January 2019 release stable
Stable system, tons of interesting applications.
2018.12 pre prelease
First pre release of operating system for LA104 with 18 applications