Basic Smart Contract development example made for USC LavaLab's LavaLearn intiative.
Ganache creates a local Ethereum network you can use for development. It provides you with test accounts and test ether and shortens transaction times. Using a public Test Net like Rinkeby or Ropsten provides us a better way to validate our DApp but is ultimately slower and should be used after Ganache.
Ganache GUI:
Install ganache-cli:
npm install -g ganache-cli
To start the CLI run:
The outpul will contain a mnemonic, save it to a .secret
file in case you want to use it in your DApp.
To run ganache-cli with this mnemonic in the future
ganache-cli -m "want over orient scorpion post oil convince shrug because wrestle uncover clap"
Truffle is used to interact with the blockchain network. We'll use it to test and deploy contracts.
Install with:
npm install -g truffle
In your working directory run:
truffle init
This command creates
: contains the code for our smart contracts.Migrations.sol
is automatically created to handle migrations to the blockchain.migrations/
: contains the deployment instructions to our contracts. An initial migration file should have been automatically created to deploy theMigrations.sol
: contains the tests for the contractstruffle-config.js
: main configuration file, points to the Ethereum networks that we can deploy to
Check out for boilerplate code from Truffle and awesome projects to build off of. Once you find one you like, you can start using it with:
truffle unbox <box>
Metamask provides users with an interface to interact with your DApp.
To import the ganache wallet into Metamask on account creation, copy the mnemonic from Ganache into the seed phrase field. If you've already made an account, copy the private keys from Ganache to import the individual addresses.
In truffle-config.js
, uncomment the development network section
Configure compiler in the truffle-config.js
with optimizer
enabled and runs: 200
Easy way to create a contract
is running:
truffle create <artifact_type> <ArtifactName>
: contract
, migration
, test
, or all
: Name of new artifact (typically in PascalCase)
Example to create all three:
truffle create all ArtifactName
truffle console # start Truffle console
Migrate contracts with
# == or if you are not in the truffle console ==
truffle migrate
If you make changes to your smart contracts locally and need to redeploy to your local blockchain instance, in the Truffle console run
compile --all
migrate --reset
While in the Truffle console you can use JavaScript/web3 to interact with your Smart Contracts and the Ganache blockchain
let accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts() // list accounts
let hm = await HospitalManager.deployed() // create HospitalManager contract instance
hm.address // get address of instance on the chain
await hm.admitPatient("Alice"); // admit a patient
(await hm.patientCount()).toString() // get count of patients
await hm.getPatient(0) // get patient info
await hm.admitPatient("Bob", {from: accounts[1]}); // different sender