This respository holds C++ code that numerically computes Brownian coating and substrate thermal noise for amorphic and crystalline materials. Results from this code are presented in
If you make use of this code, please cite technical report
The primary requirement for compiling and running this code is the deal.II framework ( It also requires petsc, and you'll need MPI to run on multiple processors.
Instructions for building this code, and example use cases, will be added here.
Meanwhile, once you have installed deal.ii ( and petsc ( with the hypre package and p4est (and other dealii dependences), you can build and run the code "QuasistaticBrownianThermalNoise.cpp" similarly to how you build and run the deal-ii step-8 tutorial (
I recommend first ensuring that you can build and run the deal.II tutorials step-3 (Laplace equation), step-8 (2D elastic equations), and step-17 (petsc + MPI Laplace equation).
You'll need to install the following dependencies:
To build yaml-cpp, you can do this:
git clone
cd yaml-cpp
git checkout yaml-cpp-0.6.2
mkdir -p ~/Codes/yaml/0.6.2
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${HOME}/Codes/yaml/0.6.2 ..
make install
To build and run the thermal noise code, e.g., do this:
cd /path/to/QuasistaticBrownianThermalNoise.cpp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DYAMLCPP_ROOT=/Users/geoffrey/Codes/dealii/yaml/yaml-cpp/0.6.2/ -DCATCH_ROOT=/Users/geoffrey/Codes/dealii/NumericalCoatingThermalNoise/NumericalCoatingThermalNoise/external/ -DPROCS_FOR_TESTS=4 -DCMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_PREFIXES=lib -DCMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES=.a
make release #or just "make"...if a debug version of dealii is
#installed, make release avoids it
Then, after editing config.yaml
, run the code with, e.g.,
mpirun -np 12 QuasistaticBrownianThermalNoise.cpp \
--configuration=/path/to/config.yaml --configuration_multloss=/path/to/config_multloss.yaml
Example configuration files are in tests/InputFiles/
(cf. "Choosing the Physics" below).
You can run automated tests (currently, just black-box tests) by running
ctest --output-on-failure
after compiling.
To run on a cluster, you might use a batch submission script; an example script is provided.
Many changes to the physics (materials, sizes, temperature, etc.)
and numerical settings (e.g. choices affecting resolution) can be made by editing the input file config.yaml.
Comments in the file explain each setting.
For completeness, this is the version of the code used in This version is not as polished but gives equivalent results.
A sample output is ExampleEnergy.dat. Build and run QuasistaticBrownianThermalNoise.cpp without changing any code, and this should be your output.
Please send questions to glovelace at fullerton dot edu.