Main Features
Map Views tool: set up your custom map views both for 2D and 3D mode and switch between them or use the provided navigation functionality to present your data using the MapStore map viewer
3D Measurement tool: a completely redesigned measurement tool offers the best experience also in 3D mode where new and specific measurement capabilities have been introduced. New functions like measure height from the terrain, measure angle in 3D space, measure slope etc. are available to make the tool effective also for a 3D context
Leader line property for the 3D style editor: leading line options for the 3D style editor for mark, icon, model or label style symbolizer that shows the relation between the point and a position on the terrain
Chart Switcher for Chart widgets: a new feature for MapStore dashboards to allow switching between multiple charts in a single Chart widget
Support for adding polygon holes: it is now possible to insert holes while editing an existing geometry
Legend component for WFS and Vector layers: also the layer legend for WFS and Vector layers is now available in TOC through a new component that uses the json encoding style to generate a legend client side
Support for user group attributes: it is now possible to enrich user groups metadata in the Manage Groups section by configuring them in the plugin configuration
Main Improvements
3D Model Symbolizer for WFS and imported vector layers: provided a new symbolizer in Visual Style Editor for WFS and vector layer that allows using a 3D model (based on glTF) for point geometries
Improved UX of Visual Style Editor for WFS and Vector layers: to only disable the styling properties in UI that are not available for a specific 2D/3D viewer instead of hiding them
Hide options for service selector of LayerDownload plugin: added a new configuration option to make configurable from the LayerDownload plugin the visibility of the service selector input field
Authkey support to WMS BIL Terrain layers: support for authkey token for WMS BIL Terrain layers so that also the private ones can be accessible and visualized by the application for authenticated and authorized users
Date formats in Attribute Table: included the possibility to configure the date format for the display of temporal values in Attribute Table
Tooltip for layer titles in Legend widgets and responsiveness: enriched the user experience by adding tooltips and improving the responsiveness of the Legend widget in MapStore dashboards
Update to Log4j2 and improved the dependenciesManagement: upgrade to log4j2 and the generalization of usage for dependenciesManagement in projects pom.xml files
Excluding layers from the Timeline: included the possibility from the tool UI to hide temporal layers from the Timeline
Full range startup configuration for Timeline: it is now possible to configure the Timeline tool to start with a time range, instead of single time as before, and to automatically include the whole interval on startup
Filter by viewport in Attribute Table: a new tool in the Attribute Table toolbar has been included to filter records by viewport
Date picker to edit temporal attributes: a DatePicker is now available to make easier the editing of temporal values in Attribute Table and prevent typing errors