Tiny kubernetes controllers for tiny common tasks.
Apply labels, annotations and taints from:
- node annotations with format
- node labels with format
# Set node annotation `my-annotation: value` from label:
$ kubectl label node node1 annotation.getup.io.my-annotation=value
# Set node label my-label=123 from annotation:
$ kubectl annotate node node1 label.getup.io.my-label=123
# Set node taint dedicated=gpu:NoSchedule from label:
$ kubectl label node node1 taint.getup.io.dedicated.gpu=NoSchedule
Removes old Job objects. This is intended for old Kubernetes versions which lacks builting Job cleanup.
Preferred method to install is using helm:
$ git clone https://github.com/getupcloud/tiny-controllers.git
$ helm install tiny-controllers ./tiny-controllers/chart
Create a local image with:
# build local image
$ make image
# send it to dockerhub
$ make push
# build and run local dev image
$ make dev
# build, tag and relase
$ make release
Use make vars to overwrite defaults:
$ make release VERSION=v0.0.1 REPOSITORY=getupcloud IMAGE_NAME=tiny-controllers
Look into Makefile for more targets.