A custom FCPS StudentVUE client written in Vue.js
These features are fully implemented but may be extended in the future
- Student information
- Class schedule
- Health information
These features are in development
- Gradebook
These features are not implemented yet
- Calendar
- Attendance
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for instructions on how to deploy the project on a live system.
SISWebApp runs on Vue.js with npm as the package manager. As such, you will need to download and install npm.
With npm installed, install Vue CLI.
npm install -g @vue/cli
First, clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/DarinMao/SISWebApp
Next, run npm install
cd SISWebApp
npm install
Wait for all packages to install.
You can either run the testing server through Vue CLI or through Vue UI.
With Vue CLI, cd
to the project directory and run npm run serve
With Vue UI, first run vue ui
to start the Vue UI server. Next, import the project through the project manager. Click the "Tasks" tab on the left side, go to "serve", and click "Run task".
You can build the app for production through Vue CLI or through Vue UI.
With Vue CLI, cd
to the project directory and run npm run build
With Vue UI, use the same instructions as above for running the testing server, but run the "build" task instead.
Both of these methods will compile the files into static assets in the dist/ directory. Deploy this folder's contents to a live web server.
- Darin Mao - Main developer
- Omkar Kulkarni for his Python SIS API which helped initial development of the JavaScript API
- Ryan Kim, Alexander Suh for early testing and feedback (without asking if this was a phishing scam)