Reproduction of paper 'Economic model predictive control for snake robot locomotion'
this code is relay on the casadi-windows-matlabR2016a-v3.5.5 matlab toolbox, to run this code the toolbox should be installed to your matlab of place in the same path of the code as an .zip file.
Nl is the number of the links of snake robot.
1:Nl-1 | Nl | Nl+1 | Nl+2 | Nl+3 | Nl+3:2Nl+1 | 2Nl+2 | 2Nl+3 | 2Nl+4 |
[1]Nonhoff M, Köhler P N, Kohl A M, et al. Economic model predictive control for snake robot locomotion[C] 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control. IEEE, 2019: 8329-8334.
[2]Liljebäck P, Pettersen K Y, Stavdahl Ø, et al. Snake robots: modelling, mechatronics, and control[M]. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.