This control will allow you to take a text field from your table in a Model-Driven Power App and turn it into a Tags field. This PCF is 100% React Native and built from the ground up that way.
Unmanaged Solution
Managed Solution
Step 1 - Install the solution into your Power Apps Dataverse Environment
Step 2 - Add the component to your solution (optional but recommended)
Step 3 - Add the component to a Single Line Text Column in your form
Step 4 - Configure the Input Configuration Options below
You can select one of the themes that are listed, or if you choose, you can just use the Platform Theme and whatever theme you have there will be used natively.
These are your options for what shape you want your tags to be. For reference you can view the options here
These are your options for the tag's appearance. For reference you can view what each of the different options are here
The tool will output tags visibly, but behind the scenes your single line text field will contain a comma separated value of your tags.