Thanks for taking the time to do our front-end / full-stack practical coding challenge.
The objective of this challenge is to evaluate your domain knowledge in front-end / full-stack development: code organization, style and best practices.
The main challenge will be to build a simple user management tool that will perform basic CRUD operations on a user. Please use mockups as a reference about look of the application. There are no business rules & guidelines other than to show us what you’re truly made of. It can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be.
There are none :) Our main solutions stack include but not limited to Kotlin, Java, AngularJS, Flutter, Spring...
Feel free to use any languages and technologies you are comfortable with.
- For API please use
- The API should be similar to, performing basic operations for user.
We'll be happy if you cover application with tests.
- Please fork the repo and then submit a Pull Request when you are done.
- Instructions must be provided to run the application, install any dependencies, and any other information needed.
- Please use version control and make sure we can see the history of how you went about it, rather than just uploading the complete project to GitHub.
Please feel free to reach out and ask any questions while you are working on a solution.
Send your questions to [email protected].
Good luck!