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making forms 2 columns

BluebirdProjects edited this page Jan 23, 2012 · 6 revisions

AFAIK there is not a generator for 2 column forms, so simply generate a normal form then modify the _form file like this:

  • add .wat-cf.columns to top
  • add .column.left below that
  • insert .column.right wherever you want the right column to start
  • modify your indents per HAML requirements, if using HAML
    = f.hidden_field :user_id, :class => 'number_field'
      = f.label :headline, "Headline", :class => :label
      = f.text_field :headline, :class => 'text_field'
      %span.description Ex: put your headline here
      = f.label :blurb, "Blurb", :class => :label
      = f.text_field :blurb, :class => 'text_field'
      %span.description Ex: put your blurb here
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