This is an online book adapted from previous course notes we have provided for teaching greta
. While the greta website provides many examples of fitting models (for example, the eight schools vignette), this book aims to provide further guided instructions on how to get up and running with greta
. The rough structure of the book is to provide information on the following:
This book is designed for those who want to learn how to do Bayesian modelling using the greta
software. We assume users have the following background/experience:
Familiarity with R
Experience using linear models
A rudimentary understanding of Bayesian inference
After this course you will be able to:
Fit and predict from Bayesian generalised linear models in greta
Check model convergence and fit (including prior and posterior predictive checks)
Summarise MCMC outputs
Be able to fit more advanced models including mixture and hierarchical models
Create visualisations and tables of the model outputs for use in understanding model fit and for publication.
This book will also provide details on the following:
installation instructions and troubleshooting
technical details of the internals of greta
Adding extensions to greta
As this book develops, materials from here will likely be moved into the greta website.