Telegram bot that helps you manage orders for restaurants that use all-you-can-eat formula. The bot main aim is registering a group chat orders and provide an order recap once everyone is done ordering.
Commands supported by all you can eat bot:
Bot info commands
- display the welcome message
- display this help message
Group commands, should be used all in the same group to work
/createOrder {orderName}
- create a new order
/joinOrder {orderName}
- join an existing OPEN order
/leaveOrder {orderName}
- leaves an OPEN order
/closeOrder {orderName}
- close an order, preventing further modifications
/openOrder {orderName}
- open a CLOSED order
/showOrder {orderName}
- display a recap of an order
/blame {menuNumber} {orderName:}
- search who ordered a dish
Unrestricted commands, can be used directly in the bot chat to avoid flooding groups with messages
/addDish {menuNumber} {quantity:1} {dishName:}
- add a dish to your order
/nameDish {menuNumber} {dishName}
- set or change the name of a dish
/removeDish {menuNumber} {quantityToRemove:all}
- remove a dish from an OPEN order
Note: the value after ':' will be used when a command param has not been specified
# create a new order called 'my-order' for the current chat
/createOrder my-order
# join the order 'my-order'
/joinOrder my-order
# add menu number 6 one time (labelling it 'sashimi')
/addDish 6 1 sashimi
# add menu number 55 three times (labelling it 'nighiri')
/addDish 22 3 nighiri
# adds menu number 42 one time
/addDish 42
# labels menu number 42 as 'uramaki'
/nameDish 42 uramaki
# close the order 'my-order' to prevent further modifications
/closeOrder my-order
You'll need:
- java 11+
- docker
Setup docker postgres container:
docker pull postgres
# add --rm=true if you want to create a temporary container
docker run --name postgres-db \
-e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
-e POSTGRES_DB=order \
-p 5432:5432 \
-d postgres
docker start postgres-db
Run the application with:
./gradlew quarkusDev \
-Dquarkus.profile=dev \ # enables detailed loggings
-DBOT_TOKEN=<your-token> \
-DCRON_ENABLED=true \ # enables db cleanup job
Run tests with:
./gradlew test
docker build -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm -t "$IMAGE_NAME" .
docker run --rm \
-e PORT=8080 \
-e BOT_TOKEN="$1" \
-p 8080:8080 \
-d "$APP_NAME"
Running heroku login
and then ./script/ <your-token>
will deploy the bot to heroku.