LiveThere is a cost of living analysis & budgeting website for highschool students, where students can view their most up to date estimated cost of living based on the selected post-secondary institution.
- 20,000+ data points collected through web scraping to provide analysis (rental, eating out, utilities, etc.).
- Cost of living analysis with following query options.
- Rental: # of bedrooms, # of bathrooms, property type, distance from campus
- Utilities: electrical, gas, water, etc.
- Eating out: retaurant type, has patio etc.
- Compatible with devices of all sizes and all operating systems and browsers.
- Frontend
- Redux for application state management.
- Material UI theme to provide common theme throughout the user experience.
- Backend
- Cache utilized to minimize db query.
- Normalized relational database to minimize redundancy and ensure only related data is stored in each table.
- Frontend
- Figma for UI/UX design