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Senior Front-end Engineer Code Challenge: MMT at the Movies!

Welcome to the MMT Digital Front-end test! The following activity will give you the chance to showcase your skills as a front-end engineer. You’ll have 24 hours to complete the test. Making it to the next stage of the process, we’ll talk through your code, and the decisions you’ve made.

We’d like you to implement an example of this, in the form of a movie database search, using the following design to guide your implementation:

MMT at the Movies Design

You can use this Figma link to get a higher definition version of the design

API Access

For the API, you’re free to use any open, public movie API to be able to retrieve data to display. Open Movie Database and The Movie Database are examples of these.

Some APIs do request a sign up process, if you’d prefer not to make use of these, you can always use a local JSON server instead:

Acceptance Criteria

We’ve set up some open-ended acceptance criteria below to help you get started with your test submission:


AS A user
I WANT to search for a movie
SO THAT I can find something to watch

GIVEN I am on the search page
WHEN I view the page
THEN I can see a box with a button so I can search for a given movie title


AS A user
I WANT to see a list of movies based on my search
SO THAT I can pick from the results

GIVEN I am on the search page
WHEN I have entered a search term
THEN I can see a grid of movies, each showing the poster, title and year of release


AS A user
I WANT to see search results displayed in groups with pagination labelling at the top
SO THAT the page remains performant and I can see which group I am looking at

GIVEN I am on the search page
WHEN the search results are displayed
THEN I can see the results load, (showing x of x) to indicate the current paginated group being displayed
AND I can click arrows to navigate between the groups of results


AS A user
I WANT to see more information about a film
SO THAT I can decide whether to watch it

GIVEN I am on the search page
WHEN I click on a film
THEN a modal appears, displaying the poster, title, year, plot, director, genre and cast of the selected film

Things we love

  • Testing - both the functionality and performance of your submission
  • Use of modern JS frameworks like React, but keep in mind the position you are applying for and what we are looking for
  • Use of modern techniques beyond plain CSS
  • A solution that is fully functioning and visually complete
  • Well-linted, consistent code
  • Accessibility considerations
  • Next gen JavaScript, ES+, used appropriately

Bonus points

  • Frequent Git use with clear commit messages
  • Progressive enhancement considerations
  • Use of types

Getting started

You can use any boilerplate you’re used to for getting started. A simple and recommended way is to use Create React App (CRA).

To get started, run: - npx create-react-app app && cd app && npm start


Am I allowed to Google stuff?

Of course! Please work as you normally would during the day.

Shall I create branches?

Ideally, yes. It’s expected that you will have made use of various branching strategies, so we would love to see that.

I’m finished, but feel like I have time to add some more to my project

Amazing! Here are some things that we’ve come up with, but feel free to get creative:

  • Allow searching based on genre or different criteria
  • Make use of lazy loading
  • Random movie finder
  • Add a method to buy or rent the film from somewhere like Amazon
  • Add another theme
  • Allow the layout to change from grid view to row view
  • Add a modal to show more info for each movie
  • Optimise for ultimate performance
  • Incorporate PWA techniques

Harun Isik - readme

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

Runs the local json-server on [http://localhost:3001]. This will be used for fetching the movie data.

What I've done so far

  • UX Design - I used the Figma link to generate the styled React component and scss files.
  • Acceptance Criterias
    • Criteri 1 - Done
    • Criteri 2 - Done
    • Criteri 3 - Done
    • Criteri 4 - Done
  • API Access - I made use of local json-server to fetch the movie data.
  • Beyond plain css - I made use of sass-loader to implement css styling in a programmatic way.
  • Environment Setup - Used webpack, babel, es-lint and next generation of ES6+.
  • GIT - Frequent git use with clear commit message. Feature branch strategy. I made regular pull requests to merge the feature branches to develop and master branches. Please see the history of develop branch.

My To-Do list

  • Testing code - Will be used Jest and Enzyme frameworks.
  • Searching movies based on different criteria.
  • User will be enable to change application Theme.
  • User will be enable to change application Layout.


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