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This project is developed by students of the university of Lorraine and all related rights of the project are dedicated to NasaInArabic initiative for using it in non commercial projects.
Hazem Al Saied [email protected]
Anh Duc Vu [email protected]
Supervised by: Prof. Geoffray Bonnin
Université de Lorraine Advanced Web Technologies, Natural Languages Processing 11 January 2016
This project is kind of a basic core of a concrete project which could be implemented in the real world if there is a financing for the startup phase and good relations in the scientific society for presenting the project and promoting it in the communities of students, universities and the higher academic centers.
We think that we have a good idea as a startup group and what we need is real partners for promoting the project in financing the first phase.
Our objective, as members of the Arabic initiative NasaInArabic, is to make our dream comes true in creating an Arabic scientific social network, and we don’t want to make any commercial use of our project.
The objective of our project is to create a community of students for finding practical exercises and their solutions. the system should provide multiple functionalities attached to finding exercises in a given scientific domain, solving exercises, adding exercises, deleting exercises and rating the difficulty of a given exercise.
What is interesting in this project is that there is no famous website for archiving the official exercises and their solutions. In web we can find a lot of question answering website such as Quora or Stack Exchange.. but what we were thinking about is kind of interactive archive of official archive of exercises classified according to the category and the key words.
Our project can be considered as a reference for students in the period of exams where they need to solve a lot of exercises for owning the required flexibility in exams.
What could be difficult is to achieve an exhaustive system analysis. We think that our idea is not implemented yet, so the creativity in implementing it is the master key in success. Another difficulty is that we have to build the system in unfamiliar technologies such as Angular in very short and stressed period.
The main functionalities of Exercera is listed here according to the permission of the user:
Guest Functionalities • Exercises browsing. • Solutions browsing. • Reviews browsing. • Autocomplete filtering.
Student Functionalities: • Adding Exercises. • Proposing Solutions. • Adding Reviews. • Rating Exercises. • Reporting Exercises. • Deleting Personal Exercises.
Note.1: User Management System contains two other permission, Profs and admins, but there is no available interface for doing these functionalities.
Note.2: Each user role takes the permissions of the lower one.
Note.3: We could propose more integrated functionalities to obtain robust and transparent system . . . but that would cost a lot of time!
In this section we will show multiple screen shots of the user interface of Exercera, for owning a concrete understanding of the functionalities of the web application.
Figure 1: Global shot of the web application with the login functionality, the users can register using their social accounts in a couple of seconds. They can also use the classical way. The Horizontal menu list quick links of functionalities and the categories of the application which are repeated in the vertical one!.
Figure 2: Exercises interface of the web application with a list of the newly ad exercises and the ability of filtering the exercises, filtering them and listing them according to the category and the tags.
Figure 3: A Single Exercise interface of the web application tabs of solutions, reviews, reporting and deleting functionalities. It shows also other details as rating, difficulty, category and tags. The authenticated user only can add solutions , reviews ..
Figure 4: Adding new Exercise interface of the web application where the authenticated user can add the content of an exercise, specify its category and add its details as rating, difficulty, category and tags.
Figure 5: My Account interface whose link appear after logging in and gic the user the ability to add his personal details and list the exercises which the user added .
The project is developed using AngularJS which permit to us to benefit of the MVC structure to build our project. We will quickly list the layers and their technical requirements:
The Model layer represents the part of your application that implements the business logic of the controllers. It is responsible for retrieving data and converting it into suitable format for the application and its layers. it includes CRUD operation over the database, processing, associating and other tasks related to handling data. Technical requirement: SQL, PHP, AngularJS.
The View renders a presentation of modeled data. Being separated from the Model objects, it is responsible for using the information it has available to produce meaningful interfaces for users. Technical requirement: AngularJS, Php, Html, CSS.
Although that we can’t speak about coherent controller layer while developing using AngularJS but we still need some customizations. The Controller layer does this customization by handling user requests. It is responsible for rendering a response with the aid of both the Model and the View layer.
Technical requirement: AngularJS, Php, Html, CSS. 5.4 User Management Module.
Using UserApp which is a cloud-based user management API for web apps with the purpose to relieve developers from having to program logic for user authentication, sign-up, feature/property/permission management..
Technical requirement: AngularJS, Php, Html, CSS.
As an application of the distributed systems concept and for not wasting time we decided to use a cloud service for managing user system and permissions. We chose UserApp which is a cloud-based user management API for web apps with the purpose to relieve developers from having to program logic for user authentication, sign-up, invoicing, feature/property/permission management, and more.
The basic idea of UserApp is to create an account to get a key for you integrating it with our application. Copying the necessary libraries to the web application, Inserting the key for attaching the libs with the application and configuring the plugin on the local side and on the service-dashboard side.
The credits of UserApp are as following: Username: Exercera Email: [email protected] Password: 9232@Ex
By entering the dashboard you have the ability of:
- Browsing users, editing, deleting ..
- Adding properties to the user schema. In other words, customized fields to my account pages.
- Adding permissions or roles or features. 0For more details, review: UserApp Angularjs Module 6
- Adding payment and invoicing infos.
- Adding one of the payed plug in for more functionalities.
- Configuring the parameters of session timeout, the social network authentication, forgetting password, using email activation or not and others..
You can take a quick look of UserApp features and how are they integrated in the code by reviewing this tutorial written by a co-founder of UserApp. For example, for controlling the visibility of a div according to the permission we can write the following code:
<div ng−show=”user . authorized”>Welcome!</div>
We can also use the user object to access properties on the logged in user:
<span>{{ user . first name }}</span>
And for creating routes and templates for login and signup, and use the directives to connect them to UserApp (examples: login.html and signup.html) we can modify the parameters of public/js/app,js as following:
$routeProvider .when( ’/ login ’ , {templateUrl : ’ partials/login .html ’ , public : true , login : true }); $routeProvider.when(’/signup’, {templateUrl: ’partials/signup.html’, public: true}); $routeProvider.otherwise({redirectTo: ’/home’});
Where Add public: true make the routes you want to make it public (i.e. /login and /signup).
Add login: true on the login route. The otherwise() route should be set to the route that should be shown after login.
Here are details of using UserApp with AngularJS as frontend and php as BackEnd:
Include the SDK in the file index.html.
Add the UserApp module to the app’s dependencies in a javascript named app.js.
Inject and initiate the service in the run() block in app.js with an App Id.
Create routes & templates for login and signup, and use the directives to connect them to UserApp. For here, the routeProviders are also set in app.js.
Add a logout link in the app. When clicked, it will end the session and redirect to the login route.
Use ng-show=”user.authenticated” to show elements that should only be visible when logged in, like ”My Account” and ”Log out” here. This is set in the file header.html.
Use the user object to access properties on the logged in user, including first name, last name, email etc.
Use the ua-oauth-link directive to signup and login users with social network accounts, such as Facebook, Google, Instagram and Github.
Now it’s possible to signup and log in.
We use PHP as back-end, here are the following steps:
Download and load the PHP SDK together with the PHP widget Include it into the app. Configure it with the App Id.
To authenticate an API call, look for a cookie named ua session token. If this contains a value, we could validate it with User::loginWithToken(). If it is a valid token, a new session will be created and User::authenticated() will return true as long as this session is alive.
Run the PHP app and make log in to the front-end and then try to perform any API calls.
According to the requirements of project, we have following entities: exercise, solution, user, tag, comment, report, category. Each of them is represented by a table in database. The structure of database is shown in Figure.
Between exercise and tag, we have a n-n relationship. An exercise may have several tags and vice versa. To reduce the duplication of data, we use an intermediate table name exercise tag to transform the n-n relationship into 2 1-n relationships:
exercise—exercise tag and tag—exercise tag. For the exercise entity, it contains some properties that are hardly changed such as: title, content and some properties changed frequently such as: difficulty, rating. That’s the reason why we divide exercise entity into 2 table: exercise to contain stable information and exercise detail to contain fragile data. For user management, we use another system to handle. Therefore, the user table in the ER diagram is used for representing the system structure, we do not have any operation on that table.
Figure 6: Database Diagram
In this section we will take a quick look of the code of the project.
The first folder of the project is database-initiation and it contains multiple files which are either sql script for creating the database schema and filling up the database with some demonstrative data or MySql Workbench files for creating the database diagram.
Since AngularJS is a front-end framework, all authentication with this module is only done on the client-side, with direct communication with UserApp.
So, to authorize the back-end API, we need to install the back-end of UserApp to get all needed services on the server-side . This folder, then, contains the files of the back-end of UserApp. It’s something like a library and we didn’t touch it!
This folder is the container of our code, the folder itself is created by UserApp and we had to move all our codes to it. The folder contains the following folders:
• CSS and Img Folders:
These folders contains the scripts and the images necessary to create the visual identity of the website.
• Includes Folder
It includes the files for configuring the encoding and the connection to the database.
• AJAX Folder
This folder can be considered as a part of the model layer. It contains more than 30 Php files responsible of doing all the CRUD operation against the database.
the typical content of these files is: creating an instance of the connection with the database, preparing some query, executing the query inside exception handler, and returning the value of the query. One example: the ’category get all.php’ provide the service to get all the categories from database. It serves for displaying the side bar at front-end pages.
To carry out the CRUD operations, we use the mysqli, an improvement of mysql api, with object oriented approach to do the tasks. The ajax services also handle the error when dealing with database. For some complex operations that have to work with multi table, we use the transaction management to assure the stable of the system.
To avoid the duplication of database connection, we also apply the singleton pattern. This pattern is implemented in the “includes/db instance.php” file. Whenever using a database connection, the system will check whether it is initiated, if yes, it will be reused, otherwise, it will be created. For data transfer between client and server, we use the json data format.
• Test Folder
This folder can be considered as a part of testing the model layer. It contains more than 20 Php files responsible of testing all the CRUD operation against the database. It was used during the development of the AJAX Folder.
• Partials Folder
This folder contains all the Html files of the interface except the index which exists at the root of Public folder and which is the start page of the application. The partials are very elegant Html files because of the Angular JS annotations.
Constants folder contains the files of the header, the footer and the sidebar file which don’t refresh their content most the time.
Tabs folder contains html hooks for the page of showing a single exercise, ’Partials/exercise.html’ , which is the most complicated page of the application. They were created to keep the elegance of other pages and to keep the high readability of the code. the partial folders contains also predefined html pages for the UserApp functionalities as set-password.html
• JS Folder
This folder contains the AngularJS codes. It contains only 4 files which conclude the most critical part of our work.
– App.js File
In this file we declare the main module of the whole application, myApp. We link this module with other modules, In technical words, we create its dependencies which are declared in the other files, such as controllers and directives, or predefined ones, such as routing module.
In this file we also configure the routing of views for directing the links to the appropriate pages and add the parameters of UserApp for controlling the visibility of pages according to the given permissions. The last section of this file is for linking the UserApp id with our application.
– Directives.js File
In this file we declare multiple directives for linking the ’index.html’ with the files of constants folder or for linking the ’exercixe.html’ with the files of Constant folder.
For the first directive nothing important exists in the controllers of the directives. but in the second linking, for directives, such as exreviews or exsolutions, the controller read user request, handle it and return the suitable response. It either add a solution, a review or report an exercise or other similar requests.
The technical concepts used in this directive is pretty simple, where all what we do is to parse data, invoke a service and show the result by writing the right expression.
– Controllers.js FIle
This file contains multiple controllers for creating the business logic of the partials pages. Each controller offer one or more functionalities invoked in the scope of the controller.
The accountCtrl for example is responsible for updating the personal information of users by doing a convocation of one function of UserApp API.
The exsController is used to invoke the http service for retrieving the required data for displaying a list of the exercises . The ex controller contains the code for invoking the http service for retrieving the required data for displaying the given exercise and other functions for controlling the behavior of exercises tabs. To carry out the data get and request, we use the $http built-in module of AngularJS.
The front-end homepage is divided into several parts, each one in angularjs is called a directive. Each directive have its own controller. In the figure above, the controller of exsidebar is use to load the categories from database by using ajax service category get all.php. The response data is under the json format and is bind to $scopy.categories.
Figure 7: Controller example
the files found at the root of the project are either log files for recording some information by Angularjs and UserApp or php files for loading and configuring the UserApp.
For running the project the following notes should be considered:
• For Creating the Database and testing data: – open the database-initiation folder situated in the root of the project.
– run the file exercera table creation-v2
– run the file exercera data initiation-v2.sql
– Change the host, username and the password of your Mysql inside the file public/includes/db_config.php
• Internet Connection we load the libraries of Angular JS using online links. From the other side, UserApp cloud service is needed for logging and other user management stuffs. So, Internet connection is required.
• Deployment issue
Please, Consider that deploying the project in nested folder of the server, the htdocs for MAMP, could cause problems. these problems would be solved by deploying the folders and files of the project in the root folder of the server, htdocs in the case of MAMP. Another solution is to review the parameters of routing AngularJS found in Public/JS/app.js
Make sure also to add the word public after the localhost link. Your link to the application would be something close of : ’http://localhost:8888/public/ ’
• Platform issue Please, make sure to use local server, MAMP as an example, with PHP 5.5 .
• Connection Database we have prepared a lot of test of database transactions, you can consult them by going to the Public/test folder or navigating a link similar to http://localhost:8888/public/test/ which is used in our case.
After long days of coding we can say that we were able to create the core of the target idea. We have now a cool site with working functionalities, developed using the most modern technologies such as AngularJS and using one application of the mainstreaming concept of distributed system which is UserApp.
What we are proud about is that we did not live a very stressed day, the day before the assignment. Another good point is that now we know the key concepts of AngularJS which is very cool technology.
One of the main difficulties we faced was the starting point. where we have a lot to do with tools we are not used to use. Another bad thing was that while learning new concepts of angular we were forced to rewrite some parts of the previous code to make it respect a very basic concept of angular which we learned late.
For example, after filling the controller module with the implementation of the business logic we discovered that directive is very good concept to organize the code and make it reusable.
But finally we have to admit that what we have now is very simplified version of the desired system specification. We don’t have any interfaces for managing the content by admins and profs. Furthermore, we don’t have enough convincing tools for the existing functionalities. For example, the text box for adding a new exercise is very poor, the user can’t add image or special letters ..
we can say that what we did is not more than brainstorming about AngularJS technology and what should exercise bank contain.
Here we will list the most inspiring tutorial for learning Angularjs which we used for understanding Angularjs and implementing the functionalities of our application.
• Shaping up with Angularjs Learn to use Angular.js by adding behavior to your HTML and speed- ing up your application’s responsiveness.
A very useful tutorial as a beginning for getting familiar with the basic concepts of Angularjs. especially that it’s sponsored by Google and produced by CodeSchool
• PhoneCat Tutorial App It’s the most important one. It walks you through the construction of an AngularJS web app. The app you get at last is a catalog that displays a list of Android devices, lets you filter the list to see only devices that interest you, and then view details for any device. When you finish the tutorial you will be able to:
– Create a dynamic application that works in all modern browsers. – Use data binding to wire up your data model to your views.
– Create and run unit tests, with Karma.
– Create and run end to end tests, with Protractor.
– Move application logic out of the template and into Controllers. – Get data from a server using Angular services.
– Apply animations to your application, using ngAnimate.
– Identify resources for learning more about AngularJS.
The tutorial guides you through the entire process of building a simple application, including writing and running unit and end-to-end tests. Experiments at the end of each step provide suggestions for you to learn more about AngularJS and the application you are building.
• Task manager application using AngularJS PHP MySQL A very simple tutorial, but in the same time very effective for learning the basic concepts of building the Model Layer. It explains how to create a simple Task Manager application with CRUD functionalities using AngularJS for the client side, PHP for server side communication and MySQL for database.