configuration for Neovim in Nix using NixVim and Flakes
Add it as an input to your flake
inputs.inceptionvim.url = "github:henrisota/inceptionvim";
Set it as a package in your configuration
home.packages = [inputs.inceptionvim.packages.${system}.default];
environment.systemPackages = [inputs.inceptionvim.packages.${system}.default];
To easily test the current main
configuration, simply run the following command
nix run github:henrisota/inceptionvim
For local development and testing changes, clone the repository and run the following command
nix run .
Pass in arguments to neovim
via operands
nix run github:henrisota/inceptionvim -- ./
Configuration is set under configuration based on functional categories related to development rather than plugin-specific categories.
Overall flake structure follows Snowfall.
This configuration utilizes the following plugins
Plugin | In Use | Plugin | In Use |
bufferline.nvim | ✓ | telescope.nvim | ✓ |
nvim-navic | ✓ | neoscroll.nvim | ✓ |
nvim-cmp | ✓ | noice.nvim | ✓ |
lspkind-nvim | ✓ | alpha-nvim | ✗ |
nvim-dap | ✗ | auto-session | ✓ |
neo-tree.nvim | ✓ | better-escape.nvim | ✓ |
diffview.nvim | ✓ | Comment.nvim | ✓ |
gitsigns.nvim | ✓ | dashboard-nvim | ✓ |
lazygit.nvim | ✓ | hardtime.nvim | ✗ |
nvim-lint | ✓ | harpoon | ✓ |
vim-nix | ✗ | vim-illuminate | ✓ |
hmts.nvim | ✗ | indent-blankline.nvim | ✓ |
nix-develop.nvim | ✗ | indent-o-matic | ✓ |
rustaceanvim | ✗ | nvim-navbuddy | ✓ |
nvim-treesitter-refactor | ✓ | neogen | ✗ |
nvim-treesitter-textobjects | ✓ | nvim-notify | ✓ |
nvim-treesitter | ✓ | nvim-ufo | ✓ |
nvim-lspconfig | ✓ | smart-splits.nvim | ✓ |
conform.nvim | ✓ | nvim-spider | ✓ |
trouble.nvim | ✗ | todo-comments.nvim | ✓ |
wtf.nvim | ✗ | toggleterm.nvim | ✓ |
neotest | ✓ | undotree | ✓ |
lualine.nvim | ✓ | which-key.nvim | ✓ |
smartcolumn.nvim | ✓ | typr | ✓ |
To run checks, simply run the following command
nix flake check --impure --all-systems