I built Psimacs primarily to be my personal Emacs configuration. It uses many of the UI features of Doom and Centaur Emacs, but without the heavy emphasis on Evil Mode.
The grand majority of the functionality comes from the MELPA dependencies. They are installed and configured via use-package. One of the unique features of the configuration is cleaning up the “~/.emacs.d” directory by moving many auto-generated files to “~/.emacs.d/.cache”. Additionally, Some custom functionality and themeing for eshell is implemented in the seperate “~/.emacs.d/psimacs/psishell.el” file.
Psimacs is an Emacs configuration implemented mostly as a literate org-mode file. It utilizes org-babel to parse the org markup language file psimacs.org and generate a byte-compiled emacs configuration. The various elisp blocks in psimacs.org are “tangled” into a single source code file that installs external packages and configures emacs.
The init.el file sets up the package archives and use-package so that org-mode can be updated from ELPA before org-babel tangles the psimacs.org. It also loads the elisp files in the “~/.emacs.d/psimacs” directory before the org file loads so that the custom elisp is available to use-package immediately when the tangling begins.
To try out Psimacs, first move your current .emacs.d to a different location:
mv .emacs.d .emacs.d.old
Then clone the repo to .emacs.d in your home directory:
git clone https://github.com/hjones2199/psimacs.git ~/.emacs.d/
Emacs will install and configure Psimacs’s melpa dependencies on first run. The packages can be reconfigured or disabled in psimacs.org See LSP and dap-mode’s github READMEs for tips on configuring their language specific debugging features.
There is a link you can click at the top of the psimacs.org file that deletes the compiled configuration file, and a new one will be generated the next time emacs starts. This can also be called interactively in emacs with:
M-x psimacs-regen-conf
You can also delete all customizations set through the emacs GUI with:
M-x psimacs-remove-user-cust
Psimacs is Licensed under the three clause BSD license, see the LICENSE file for details.