We are pleased to announce the release of ASP.NET Core RC2!
Get started with ASP.NET Core RC2
If you are looking for the homepage of .NET Core, with getting started guides and downloads for released versions of ASP.NET Core then you should go to http://dot.net. This is the home page of our source code repositories and is intended for those contributing to ASP.NET Core or using bleeding edge nightly builds.
If you want a more stable, released, experience or getting started instructions then go to one of the following:
.NET Homepage Check out dot.net for released versions of .NET, getting started guides, and learning resources.
ASP.NET Core Documentation or .NET Core Documentation. We intend to merge these in the future.
If you want to follow along with development of ASP.NET Core then go to:
- Community Standup The community standup is held every week and streamed live to YouTube. You can view past standups in the linked playlist.
- Roadmap The schedule and milestone themes for ASP.NET Core.
- Stable builds of ASP.NET Core should be obtained from http://dot.net.
- If you want to use nightlies then you need to:
- Obtain the latest nightly CLI from http://github.com/dotnet/cli
- Add a NuGet.Config to your app with the following content:
NOTE: This NuGet.Config should be with your application unless you want nightly packages to potentially start being restored for other apps on the machine.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <packageSources> <clear /> <add key="AspNetCI" value="https://www.myget.org/F/aspnetvnext/api/v3/index.json" /> <add key="NuGet.org" value="https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json" /> </packageSources> </configuration>
- Change your applications dependencies to have a
to get the latest version,1.0.0-*
for example.
These are some of the most common repos:
- DependencyInjection - basic dependency injection infrastructure and default implementation
- Docs - documentation sources for https://docs.asp.net/en/latest/
- EntityFramework - data access technology
- Identity - users and membership system
- MVC - MVC framework for web apps and services
- Razor - template language and syntax for CSHTML files
- Templates - project templates for Visual Studio
- Tooling - Visual Studio tooling, editors, and dialogs
See the NuGet feeds wiki page.
This project produces builds using JetBrains TeamCity.
Check out the contributing page to see the best places to log issues and start discussions.