In order to use columbus you need your own version of perl and CPAN installed.
$ curl -L | bash
$ echo "source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc" >> $HOME/.profile
$ perlbrew install perl-5.19.5
$ perlbrew use perl-5.19.5
Alternatively, you can use install.hovr2pi
$ curl -l | bash
We will also need a way to install and manage perl packages. This can be done by CPAN but [cpanminus] does an excellent job when combined with [cpan-outdated] Install cpanium
$ curl -L | perl - App::cpanminus
And then install cpan-outdated
along with all perl modules using cpanm
$ cpanm App::cpanoutdated
Now that that is bootstrapped, we can upgrade out perl modules automagically:
$ cpan-outdated -p | cpanm
And now we shall use cpanm to install Shell
and Curses
$ cpanm Shell
$ cpanm Curses
Copy all of the perlscripts provided by Columbus into the perlbrew directory so we do not have to worry about maintining multiple locations of perl modules.
$ cp $COLUMBUS/perlscripts/* $HOME/perlbrew/perl-5.19.5/lib
$ cp $COLUMBUS/CPAN/* $HOME/perlbrew/perl-5.19.5/lib
Still, some packages are not in cpanm
so we have to use CPAN.
$ cpan
$ install Devel::PPPort
$ printf 'CURSES_LDFLAGS=-lncursesw' >> $HOME/.bashrc
$ wget
$ tar xf Col7.0_2013-07-01_linux64.ifc.byterecl_src.tar.gz
$ export COLUMBUS=`pwd`/Columbus
$ printf 'COLUMBUS'=`pwd`'/Columbus' >> $HOME/.bashrc
$ cd $COLUMBUS/../
$ ./install.automatic cpan
$ module load gsl ga && echo "module load gsl ga" >> $HOME/.bashrc
Now we will need molden. Note, you will need to use the molden from [] due to the use of a deprecated makedepend script provided on their website.
To make things easier, do it in your top level directory of COLUMBUS
$ cd $COLUMBUS/.. && curl -l | bash
Now we need to edit the config files for COLUMBUS
$ cd $COLUMBUS/machine.cfg
And update the file linux64.ifc.byterecl
for stampede
or download mine at (
$ wget
Next is updating the install.config in $COLUMBUS/.. with the one I created
$ cd $COLUMBUS/..
$ curl -l > install.config
$ mv install.config.stampede install.config
We will also need to change $COLUMBUS/makefile to point to the TACC installed GlobalArrays
$ curl -l > makefile
Finally, we need a new version of install.automatic
. The released version had a few typos.
$ cd $COLUMBUS/../
$ curl -l > install.automatic
Now we are ready to start actually instaling COLUMBUS
$ ./install.automatic -p linux64.ifc.byterecl standard grad cc parallel runtests
And the only other thing we need to do is replace the distributed with the one we setup earlier
$ mv $COLUMBUS/CPAN/auto/curses/ $COLUMBUS/CPAN/auto/curses/
$ cp /home1/00416/csim/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.19.5/lib/site_perl/5.19.5/x86_64-linux/auto/Curses $COLUMBUS/CPAN/auto/curses/
is a collection of scripts to drive columbus on stampede
for the generation of potential energy surfaces that will be used
to then calculation state to state reaction rates via QCT.
$ echo "module load git" >> ~/.bashrc
$ module load git
$ cd $WORK
$ git clone