IMPORTANT This is currently under active development. Use with caution.
The connectstrava project is designed to synchronize activities (e.g. rides) from Garmin Connect with Strava. It is a very basic piece of software and makes several assumptions.
- Python 2.6+. (This is intended to work with Python 3, but is being developed on Python 2.x)
- Setuptools/Distribute
- Virtualenv
Here are some instructions for setting up a development environment, which is the only real way to "install" this at this juncture.
Note that this package uses stravalib for the Strava interactions. Since stravalib is currently under active development (and not yet available from pypi), it must be installed from github into the virtualenv.
shell$ git clone
shell$ git clone
shell$ cd connectstrava
shell$ python -m virtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute env
shell$ source env/bin/activate
(env) shell$ cd ../stravalib
(env) shell$ python develop
(env) shell$ cd ../connectstrava
(env) shell$ python develop
(For future shell examples, we will use the "(env) shell$" prefix to denote commands that should be run in an "activated" environment.)
Start by copying the example config file and filling in the values for your Garmin Connect and Strava credentials.
shell$ cp settings.cfg.example settings.cfg
... And edit with your credentials:
database_path = /path/to/sync.db
gc.username = my-username
gc.password = my-password
strava.username = [email protected]
strava.password = my-strava-password
On a shared hosting system, you probably want to make sure that is chmod 600, since it does include actual passwords.
Before you can sync rides, you need to initialize the database with the last (most recent) activity in Garmin Connect that has already been uploaded to Strava. The sync script will only look for rides that happen "after" this in the future.
You can see the ID for an activity in the URL when you view the activity details. For example
(These instructions assume you have the virtualenv setup, per instructions above and a valid configuration.)
shell$ /path/to/connectstrava/env/bin/connect-init-db -c /path/to/settings.cfg --last-ride=12345
Once the database is initialized you can sync rides. Essentially the script will look for rides that are newer than the stored "last ride" id. This will only work for a maximum of 20 unsync'd rides (the script does not currently support paging through the Garmin Connect activity pages).
shell$ /path/to/connectstrava/env/bin/connect-sync-rides -c /path/to/settings.cfg
Info-level logs will indicate which rides have been uploaded/synchronized. (By default you will see these.) The script is designed to produce no output when there are no rides to sync. (Edit config to turn logging to DEBUG if you want to see logs in this case.)
The motivation behind the loglevels and default level settings is so that if this is run in cron you will only get an email (without the script output) when rides are actually snchronized.