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τ-Lop is a new parallel performance model aimed to help in the design and optimization of parallel algorithms in multi-core clusters. It represents a parallel algorithm and predicts accurately its costs through the concept of concurrent transfers. By now, τ-Lop has been applied to underlying algorithms in MPICH and Open MPI mainstream implementa…


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tau-Lop library is a tool for automatizing the procedure of modeling and quantifying the cost of parallel algorithms using the tau-Lop analytic communication model.

Version: 1.2 Date: May 4th, 2023

MPIBlib Library

Description: tau-lop library allows to write code to represent analytic communication models for MPI applications based on the tau-lop model. The library uses model parameter values to solve (quantify) the models. tau-lop library does not include utilities for measuring parameters, and it relies upon other libraries as mpiblib (Heterogeneous Computing Laboratory, University College Dublin for this task.

Following, the steps to build the mpiblib library from the parameter measurement is described:

  1. Parameters measurement using MPIBlib.

MPIBLib has been modified to measure tau-lop parameters and to output text files to be incorporated to tau-lop. To install mpiblib library:

  1. Install GSL (GNU Scientific Library) and Boost library: both could be instaled with default options.

  2. Install a MPI distribution, for example, Open MPI or MPICH.

  3. To install mpilib, download modified version (or apply path to the original HCL version) from (please, read the file for detailed instructions), decompress and run:

$ ./configure --with-gsl-dir=/home/jarico/gsl-2.7.1 --with-boost-dir=/home/jarico/boost_1_64_0

$ make

$ sudo make all install

Modificationes performed to mpiblib-1.2.0 are mainly for:

  1. Updating MPI deprecated calls (MPI_Type_extent and MPI_Type_struct).
  2. Measure and print files with tau-lop parameters.

To execute benchmarks and generate taulop parameters, run command similar to:

$ mpiexec -n 8 --map-by core --bind-to core -report-bindings --display-map -nooversubscribe ./tools/p2p -b taulop -m 1 -M 1048576 -S 65536 -C SHM -o overhead_SHM.txt -t transfertimes_SHM.txt -H 131072 -c 0.995 -e 0.01 -r 100 -R 1000 -v

Previous example measures communication parameters in shared memory (mpiexec maps by core), using p2pbenchmark for taulop parameters (-b), messages sizes from 1 Byte to 1024 KBytes, and specify message segments of 64 KBytes (-s) and threshold for eager to rendezvous protocol change at 128 KBytes (-H). Output files are overhead_SHM.txt and transfertimes_SHM.txt. Argument -C is only to label the test and -c, -e are level of confidence and error used in mpiblib to perform efficient measurement. Number of repetitions is in the range 100 to 1000 (-r to -R).

Another example to measure parameters in a TCP/Ethernet network is:

$ mpiexec --mca btl tcp,self -n 16 -hostfile hosts --map-by node --bind-to core -report-bindings --display-map -nooversubscribe ./tools/p2p -b taulop -S 65536 -C TCP -o overhead_TCP.txt -t transfertime_TCP.txt -sizes sizes.txt -H 131072 -c 0.995 -e 0.01 -r 100 -R 1000 -v

Text files (-o and -t) generated by mpilib should be transformed to the tau-lop format.

tau-lop Library

Installing tau-lop library follows the GNU standard procedure. Download it from

At this point, if you have a set of parameter files generated by mpiblib you should transform them to the tau-Lop format. The code of tau-Lop library comes with a Python scripting utility to convert files. Just got to the ~/libtaulop/params/transform folder and execute:

$ python <args>

You will get taulop ready to use parameter files. Options are:

  • Positional Argument:

    channel Communication Channel. The transformation depends on the communication channel features (SHM, TCP, IB, ARIES, etc.)

  • optional arguments:

    -h, --help: show help message and exit.

    -v, --verbose: Verbose mode.

    -o OVERHEAD, --overhead OVERHEAD: Overhead input file (default <overhead.txt>).

    -t TRANSFERT, --transfert TRANSFERT: Transfer tiimie input file (default <transfert.txt>)

    -w WRITEFILE, --writefile WRITEFILE: Parameters output file (default <parameters.txt>).

    -p PLOT, --plot PLOT: Output plot png file (default: no png file.

As well, a example is included to execute transforms over a set of mpiblib output files from different machines and cmomunication channels.

  1. To install tau-lop library:

$ ~/libtaulop/configure CXXFLAGS='-O3' --prefix=~/taulop --with-params=~/libtaulop/params/metropolis

Previous commend configure the tau-lop library (from a different folder) to use the parameter values in the folder params/metropolis. Then,

$ make

$ make install

$ make tests

Last command compile a set of tests for the library, where you can find code examples to start.

  1. tau-Lop model is deeply described in the following papers:
  • Rico-Gallego, J.A., Díaz-Martín, J.C., Calvo-Jurado, C. et al. Analytical Communication Performance Models as a metric in the partitioning of data-parallel kernels on heterogeneous platforms. J Supercomput 75, 1654–1669 (2019).

  • Rico-Gallego, J.A., Moreno-Álvarez, S., Díaz-Martín, J.C. et al. A tool to assess the communication cost of parallel kernels on heterogeneous platforms. J Supercomput 76, 4629–4644 (2020).

  • J. -A. Rico-Gallego, A. L. Lastovetsky and J. -C. Díaz-Martín, "Model-Based Estimation of the Communication Cost of Hybrid Data-Parallel Applications on Heterogeneous Clusters," in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 28, no. 11, pp. 3215-3228, 1 Nov. 2017, doi: 10.1109/TPDS.2017.2715809.

  • Juan-Antonio Rico-Gallego, Juan-Carlos Díaz-Martín, Alexey L. Lastovetsky, Extending τ-Lop to model concurrent MPI communications in multicore clusters, Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 61, 2016, Pages 66-82, ISSN 0167-739X,

  • Juan-Antonio Rico-Gallego, Juan-Carlos Díaz-Martín, τ-Lop: Modeling performance of shared memory MPI, Parallel Computing, Volume 46, 2015, Pages 14-31, ISSN 0167-8191,

  1. Please, visit for more information and advanced examples.

Contacting information:

University of Extremadura, Avd. Universidad s/n, 10004, Cáceres, Spain

Intel Micro-Benchmarks (IMB) and tau-lop IMB

Intel Micro Benchmarks (IMB) is a benchmark utility to measure the performance of point to point and collective MPI operations ( Once installed, a benchmark could be executed as:

$ mpirun -n $1 --hostfile hosts_p2p --bind-to core --map-by core -report-bindings --display-map -nooversubscribe -mca coll_tuned_priority 100 -mca coll_tuned_use_dynamic_rules 1 ./IMB-MPI1 PingPong -off_cache -1 -iter $2 -msglen $3 > metropolis_pingpong_SHM.txt

to measure a PingPong benchmark in the shared memory communication channel and Open MPI, and:

$ mpirun -n $1 --mca opal_common_ucx_opal_mem_hooks 1 --hostfile hosts_p2p --bind-to core --map-by node -report-bindings --display-map -nooversubscribe -mca coll_tuned_priority 100 -mca coll_tuned_use_dynamic_rules 1 ./IMB-MPI1 PingPong -off_cache -1 -iter $2 -msglen $3 > metropolis_pingpong_IB.txt

to run a PingPong benchmark using the Infiniband network using Open MPI library.

taulop library provides with an utility to compare outputs from Intel MPI benchmark operations to the estimations made by the library:

1)After installing tau-lop, run:

$ make tests

  1. At installation folder you will find bin/imb_taulop. Execute a command like:

$ ~/imb_taulop Broadcast -a Binomial -msglen sizes.txt -P 8 -Q 2 -M 4 --write_file output_bcast.txt --mapping Sequential -v


--msglen: allows to specify a file containing messages lengths (one per line). --write_file writes output to a specified file. --mapping specifies a default-type mapping [Default, Sequential, RoundRobin, Random, User]. In case of Map::User, option --map_file is needed to specify the text file to read the mapping (node for each rank, one per line).

Note: For more parameters and options, type:

$ ~/imb_taulop --help.

  1. In the folder ~/tests/imb/compare a comparison utility is included. It is a Python script, which could be invoked as:

$ python ~/ -i ./input_IMB.txt -t ../input_TLOP.txt --error_file error.png --plot_file plot.png -v

It takes two text files as inputs, (1) the IMB generated file containing the measurements of a benchmar, and (2) the taulop generated file containing the estimations for an IMB-like benchmark (using imb_taulop utility). Output are plots of the error (both proportional and relative) and the comparison in Latency and Bandwidth. Screen output is used if the output files are not provided.

Please, use:

$ python ~/ --help

to obtain descriptions of additional arguments.

Suara2D and Suara3D algorithms for Allreduce Collective

Suara2D and Suara3D are meta-algorithms designed to optimize the execution time of the MPI allreduce collective operation. The algorithms operate in three stages:

  1. The algorithm determines the optimal 2D process grid arrangement and selects the algorithms to execute in rows and columns. This stage returns (P_r, P_c) as the number of process rows and process columns in the optimal grid, and (a_r, a_c) as the algorithms for the allreduce to be executed in rows and columns.
  2. Execute the algorithm a_r on P_c processes.
  3. Execute the algorithm a_c on P_r processes.

The implementation of Stage 1 is available as tests in the taulop library. To install it, simply follow the standard installation process (make tests), and the algorithm will be accessible for both 2D and 3D grids.

To run the test, for example, with P=12 processes in a 2D grid, use the following command:

$ ./suara2d_grid -P 12 -Q 8 -M 4 -m 512072 -s 4096 -c IB --mapping RoundRobin -v

A similar command is available for 3D tests and a couple of scripts for running the algorithm (stage 1) with several messages sizes.

As well, mapping-aware algorithms are available for 2D and 3D, named suara2dmap_gridand suara2dmap_grid.

Note: For more parameters and options, type:

$ ~/suara2d_grid --help.


τ-Lop is a new parallel performance model aimed to help in the design and optimization of parallel algorithms in multi-core clusters. It represents a parallel algorithm and predicts accurately its costs through the concept of concurrent transfers. By now, τ-Lop has been applied to underlying algorithms in MPICH and Open MPI mainstream implementa…







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