Watch Pixel-Art-App ↗ live.
Pixel-Art-App is a Progressive Web App to draw pictures on a Neopixel matrix. Size of the matrix is alterable in the source files. App can be served directly from ESP8266 with SPIFFS.
- Use a Progressive Web App as controller. Add it without further installation to your homescreen.
- Use Web standard communication with WebSockets
- Use cheap hardware components
- (NodeMCU) ESP8266
- Neopixel matrix (e.g. TODO)
- A bunch of wires
Build Web-App with Polymer 3.0
Prerequisition: Polymer CLI
- Install all dependencies - Go to folder pixel-art-app:
$ polymer install
- Test app locally in your browser.
$ polymer serve --open
Note: By design this app runs locally on ESP8266 and depends on a WebSocket served by the WebServer of the ESP. For production adjust the WS endpoint.
- Prepare for production
$ polymer build
- Upload app to ESP8266
Finally upload app from ESP8266/data/www folder to your ESP8266. Go to Arduino IDE Tools > ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload
Note: Close Serial Monitor of Arduino IDE before uploading data. Otherwise upload will interrupt.
Load sketch ESP8266.ino from ESP8266 folder in Arduino IDE.
Verify dependencies:
You can manage your additional includes by Arduino IDE Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries or you checkout dependencies yourself by git clone in your library folder of your Arduino sketchbook location.
Using git allows you to easily update all libraries at once:
ls | xargs -I{} git -C {} pull
With all dependencies provided the code should compile and is ready for upload.
- Browse to http://esp8266.local/ to load the app.