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How to install Cuda on Windows 11 and Anaconda?

  1. Cuda & CuDNN files Download

  2. Python 3 & pip with Anaconda(latest installed)

  3. Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 C++ redistributables with dot net 4.5 or above installed

  4. Make sure you have already Anaconda installed with JupyterNotebook & everything is working fine.

  5. Download the CUDA toolkit from here:-

  6. choose your options like OS and arch of OS based on your system configurations. Then download the file and install it in your C//: DRIVE, while installation uses EXPRESS(recommended) mode.

Screenshot 2024-08-03 014128

  1. After installing CUDA, you must download CuDNN (, an extension that supports CUDA files for running Deep Learning applications.
  1. Once you have downloaded CuDNN Local Installer for Windows (Zip), extract files to the CUDA installation directory in C:// drive
  2. now one by copy & replace these folders to the CUDA installation directory


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  1. you have finally completed your CUDA Toolkit installation with CuDNN.
  2. Now it’s time to set Path variables → open Edit environment variables in the Windows search bar, Click on Environment variables, click on “path” under user variables, then add the paths of “bin” and “lineup.”
  • Right-click on Start, then click on Run. Type: sysdm.cpl and click on OK. Click on the "Advanced" tab, then click on the "Environment Variables..."
  1. Finally, you’re done with the installation part of CUDA & CuDNN; just verify it’s properly installed, Goto Power-Shell, and enter the command “Nvidia-semi.”

1_p32768CJR5XBOpA7CPLiMw (1)

  1. nvcc --version
  2. nvidia-smi

Virtual Environment in Anaconda

In Anaconda cmd.exe prompt:

  1. conda create -n "name of your virtual environment" python=3.6.8
  2. conda activate "name of your virtual environment"
  3. conda install -c anaconda tensorflow-gpu keras-gpu
  4. conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.4 -c pytorch -c nvidia # batavajoh be version cuda


Screenshot 2024-08-03 024347

Screenshot 2024-08-03 022404

5.pip install ipykernel

  1. python -m ipykernel install --user --name --display-name "Python (GPU)" # then launch jypiternotebook

Screenshot 2024-08-03 025207

  1. pip install --upgrade jupyterhub
  2. pip install --upgrade --user nbconvert

How to delete the old kernel

  1. jupyter kernelspec list
  2. jupyter kernelspec uninstall your_env_name


  1. jupyter kernelspec list
  2. cd /path/to/kernelspecs/kernel_name
  3. rm -r /path/to/kernelspecs/kernel_name
  4. jupyter kernelspec remove kernel_name

Run Jupyter Notebooks in PyCharm

pip commands

  1. pip install package_name
  2. pip uninstall package_name
  3. pip uninstall package_name
  4. pip show package_name
  5. pip freeze requirements.txt
  6. pip cache purge
  7. pip list
  8. python -m site --user-site # path to site package
  9. python -m venv # python3.8 -m venv env
  10. source env/bin/activate in linux or env/Scripts/activate.bat //In CMD windows

How to Add a Python 3 Kernel to Jupyter IPython

step 0: Prerequisites

  1. Python 3.x (preferably the latest version)
  2. Jupyter Notebook
  3. virtualenv (for creating virtual environments)

Step 1: Create a Python 3 Virtual Environment

  1. virtualenv -p python3.9 name

Step 2: Activate the Virtual Environment

  1. source name/bin/activate

Step 3: Install the IPython Kernel Package

  1. pip install ipykernel

Step 4: Register the Kernel with Jupyter

  1. python -m ipykernel install --user --name=my-python3-kernel


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