We are using this repository for users to be able to install our R package using drat
The drat
system allows for an easy installation of our packages.
First make sure that the R package drat
is installed on your system.
If that is not the case, install the R package by simply typing inside your R Console:
Once the R package drat
is installed, you can simply install our packages by typing:
install.packages("XXX") ## replace XXX by the name of the package!
To add a new package or a new version of a package on this drat
folder, you first need to make sure that you have a local clone of this folder on your computer.
To clone the folder on your computer, simply type in your terminal (at the target location):
git clone https://github.com/hyenaproject/drat.git
Then, to add your package, make sure the R package drat
is installed on your system (see above), and type in your R console:
Either the following (after creating a build version of the package (i.e. *.tar.gz
) as usual):
drat::insertPackage("the_path_of_your_tar.gz", repodir = "the_path_of_your_local_drat_folder")
and if so, make sure to replace the place holders by the correct text.
Or, for {hyenaR}
specifically, the better way is to use the following function from within the hyenaR RStudio project:
build_drat_update("../../drat_hyenaproject/drat/") # do adjust according to your onw path
Finally, commit and push using git
from within your local drat folder:
gert::git_commit(message = "Update hyenaR to version X.X.XXXX")
Note: if you want to get rid of old package versions, within your drat project, use:
drat::pruneRepo(repopath = ".", remove = TRUE)