The web version of SquidGame in CovidLife.
First, deployment: Upload the entire folder to your site. If you are using GitHub Pages, add the entire folder to the corresponding repository and commit. You only need to deploy it once.
Then, access the game with <your-url>/<folder-name>
. For example, if your site's URL is
and the game folder's name is "squidgame", then the link for the game is
Due to Chrome's file protocol restriction, we cannot directly open index.html
. Follow this guide to run the game on your machine.
First, make sure you have two things installed:
node.js: download from
anywhere: after node.js is installed, open a terminal, type
npm install -g anywhere
You only need to install these two things once.
Then, open a terminal at this folder, and type anywhere
. A browser tab should pop up with the game.