Releases: ianchb/Hackintosh_EFI_OpenCore_MSI_Z490A_PRO_MS7C75
2023.01.13 0.8.8
🎉Happy New Year!
macOS 13.2 beta 2 22D5038i tested!
- Upgraded OpenCore to 0.8.8;
- Upgraded WhateverGreen to 1.6.3;
- Upgraded AppleALC to 1.7.8;
- Upgraded Lilu to 1.6.3.
This release contains the almost finished USBPorts.kext instead of USBInjectAll.kext. Although you still need to modify it yourself, this has been very easy to do with the help of the notes and tutorials I provided. Check it out! (In Chinese)
2022.08.03 0.8.3
macOS 13 Beta 4 support!
- Upgraded OpenCore to 0.8.3;
- Upgraded WhateverGreen to 1.6.1;
- Upgraded AppleALC to 1.7.4;
- Upgraded AirportBrcmFixup to 2.1.6;
- Upgraded Lilu to 1.6.2;
- Upgraded VirtualSMC to 1.3.0;
- Upgraded NVMeFix to 1.1.0.
This release contains the almost finished USBPorts.kext instead of USBInjectAll.kext. Although you still need to modify it yourself, this has been very easy to do with the help of the notes and tutorials I provided. Check it out! (In Chinese)
2022.06.19 0.8.2_pre
macOS 13 Beta 1 support!
Resizable BAR support!
- Upgraded OpenCore to 0.8.2-20220612 (macOS 13 Beta is supported);
- Upgraded WhateverGreen to 1.5.9;
- Upgraded AppleALC to 1.7.2;
- Upgraded AirportBrcmFixup to 2.1.5;
- Removed AllowNvramReset (but driver ResetNvramEntry.efi instead);
- Removed AllowToggleSip;
- Set ResizeAppleGpuBars=0 (Resizable BAR is supported);
- Disabled PickerAudioAssist.
This release contains the almost finished USBPorts.kext instead of USBInjectAll.kext. Although you still need to modify it yourself, this has been very easy to do with the help of the notes and tutorials I provided. Check it out! (In Chinese)
2022.04.04 0.7.9
- Upgraded OpenCore to 0.7.9;
- Upgraded WhateverGreen to 1.5.8;
- Upgraded AppleALC to 1.7.0;
- Upgraded Lilu to 1.6.0;
- Upgraded VirtualSMC to 1.2.9;
- Upgraded AirportBrcmFixup to 2.1.4.
This release contains the almost finished USBPorts.kext instead of USBInjectAll.kext. Although you still need to modify it yourself, this has been very easy to do with the help of the notes and tutorials I provided. Check it out! (In Chinese)
2022.01.29 0.7.7
An important update:
- Upgraded OpenCore to 0.7.7;
- Upgraded WhateverGreen to 1.5.6;
- Upgraded AppleALC to 1.6.8;
- Upgraded Lilu to 1.5.9;
- Upgraded VirtualSMC to 1.2.8;
- Integrated the two versions, and may solve the problem that the old version of macOS cannot be found;
- Used the almost finished USBPorts.kext instead of USBInjectAll.kext. Although you still need to modify it yourself, this has been very easy to do with the help of the notes and tutorials I provided. Check it out! (In Chinese)
2021.10.17 0.7.4
An important update:
Upgraded OpenCore to 0.7.4;
Upgraded WhateverGreen to 1.5.4;
Upgraded AppleALC to 1.6.5;
Rewrited the config.plist and fixed several problems preventing you from booting macOS;
Added a changelog page before downloading from;
Added a special version for UHD630.
more @
2021.09.20 0.7.3
Upgraded OpenCore to 0.7.3;
Upgraded Lilu to 1.5.6;
Upgraded VirtualSMC to 1.2.7;
Upgraded WhateverGreen to 1.5.3;
Upgraded AppleALC to 1.6.4.
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2021.08.24 0.7.2
Upgraded OpenCore to 0.7.2;
Upgraded Lilu to 1.5.5;
Upgraded VirtualSMC to 1.2.6;
Upgraded WhateverGreen to 1.5.2;
Upgraded AppleALC to 1.6.3.
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2021.07.23 0.7.1
Upgraded OpenCore to 0.7.1;
Upgraded VirtualSMC to 1.2.5;
Upgraded WhateverGreen to 1.5.1;
Upgraded AppleALC to 1.6.2;
Upgraded NVMeFix to 1.0.9;
Upgraded AirportBrcmFixup to 2.1.3.
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2021.06.25 0.7.0
Upgraded OpenCore to 0.7.0;
Upgraded VirtualSMC to 1.2.4;
Upgraded WhateverGreen to 1.5.0;
Upgraded AppleALC to 1.6.1.
more @