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EAI Survey Tool


The EAI Support Survey Tool is a program that tests all the Mail Exchange servers for support of UTF8 and internationalized domain names.

The application is built in Java 8 and uses a MariaDB database to store the tests' results temporarily.


Compiling the source code

  • Java Compiler version 8 or superior.
  • Apache Maven version 3.6 or superior.

Compiling the source code with Buildah and creating an Podman/Docker image

  • Buildah 1.19.6 or superior.

Manual Execution

  • Java JRE version 8 or superior.
  • Docker CE version 20.10.7 or superior.
  • MariaDB client version 15.1 or superior.
  • SnowSQL version 1.2.16 or superior.
  • User must be on the docker group.
  • User must be able to run sudo.

Podman Execution

  • Podman 3.0.1 or superior.
  • SnowSQL version 1.2.16 or superior.
  • User must be able to run sudo.

Docker Execution

  • Docker CE version 20.10.7 or superior.
  • SnowSQL version 1.2.16 or superior.
  • User must be on the docker group.
  • User must be able to run sudo.

Manual Execution

Compiling the Source Code

To compile the source code, the user can use Apache Maven. Apache Maven Assembly Plugin is used to create the distribution package. To create the distribution package is created executing these couple of commands on the command line at the project's root directory.

$ git clone
$ cd eai-survey-tool
$ mvn package
$ mvn assembly:single

After running these steps, the distribution bundle will be created on the target folder, and will have the name eai-survey-$VERSION.tar.gz. This bundle will contain all the compiled code and dependencies. The only thing missing will be the configuration files: and


The user can install the application decompressing the tar file at any location. The tar file contains all the needed files and dependencies.

tar -xvf eai-survey-$VERSION.tar.gz

Podman/Docker Execution

Compiling the Source Code

To compile the source code, the user can use the script that utilizes buildah to compile the source code and creates a Podman/Docker image.

$ git clone
$ cd eai-survey-tool
$ buildah unshare
$ scripts/
$ exit


The user can configure the application using a configuration file named The application search this file at the install directory of the application by default.

The following parameters are configurable in the configuration file. Parameters with values in unicode MUST use unicode escape as per the Java Language Specification. For example, for the internationalized email addres, provide an address in escaped form:


Instead of the original form: = مثال@اختبار-القبول-العالمي.شبكة
Parameter Default Value Description
local.addresses.ipv4 [local ip address] IPv4 local addresses.
local.addresses.ipv6 [local ip address] IPv6 local addresses.
db.username Database username.
db.password Database password.
db.url Database URL.
db.driverClassName org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver Database Driver.
db.defaultAutoCommit false Database connection auto commit.
db.maxTotal 125 Database max number of connections.
db.batch.size 1000 Database connection batch size.
db.statement.fetch_size 5000 Database cursor fetch size.
maxmind.database.filename geoip/GeoIP2-Country.mmdb MaxMind Database filename.
resolver.address, 2001:4860:4860::8888 DNS Resolver Addresses.
resolver.threads 1250 DNS Resolver threads per local IP Address
resolver.duration PT1S DNS Resolver query rate.
resolver.timeout PT15S DNS Resolver connection timeout.
resolver.wait PT5M DNS Resolver writer queue timeout.
resolver.retries 3 DNS Resolver retries.
smtp.tester.threads 4096 SMTP Tester threads count.
smtp.tester.threads.wait PT30M SMTP Tester waiting time for the queues.
smtp.tester.timeout.connect PT5M SMTP Tester connection timeout.
smtp.tester.timeout.idle PT5M SMTP Tester idle timeout.
smtp.tester.retries 1 SMTP Tester retries.
smtp.tester.wait PT30S SMTP Tester waiting time between retries.
smtp.tester.domain SMTP Tester domain name. SMTP Tester ASCII email. Characters must be unicode escaped SMTP Tester IDN email. Characters must be unicode escaped
smtp.tester.quarantine.period PT1S SMTP Tester Quarantine period.
smtp.tester.quarantine.timeout PT15S SMTP Tester Quarantine timeout.
smtp.tester.quarantine.expire PT15M SMTP Tester Quarantine expire.
smtp.tester.quarantine.cidr.ipv4 16 SMTP Tester Quarantine IPv4 CIDR.
smtp.tester.quarantine.cidr.ipv6 48 SMTP Tester Quarantine IPv6 CIDR.
sentinel.threshold 0.05 Sentinel error threshold percentage. After this value the program is stopped.
sentinel.period PT1S Sentinel period
sentinel.min 10 Sentinel minimal request for evaluation.
ip.exclude List of IP addresses to exclude from the survey.

Example Configuration

local.addresses.ipv4 =
local.addresses.ipv6 = 2600:1f14:df0:400:67ec:ada:c748:6fa2

resolver.address =, 2001:4860:4860::8888
resolver.threads = 1250

smtp.tester.threads = 32000
smtp.tester.quarantine.cidr.ipv4 = 20
smtp.tester.quarantine.cidr.ipv6 = 48

db.username = [redacted]
db.password = [redacted]
db.url = jdbc:mariadb://

smtp.tester.domain = = \u0645\u062b\u0627\[email protected] = \u0645\u062b\u0627\u0644@\u0627\u062e\u062a\u0628\u0627\u0631-\u0627\u0644\u0642\u0628\u0648\u0644-\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0627\u0644\u0645\u064a.\u0634\u0628\u0643\u0629

ip.exclude =,

Logging Configuration

The logging is configured using a file named located in the root directory of the application.

The application uses the standard Java Logger; here is the link to the complete documentation.

Example Logging Configuration

handlers = java.util.logging.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
.level = SEVERE

org.icann.eai.survey.EaiSurvey.level = INFO
org.icann.eai.survey.Sentinel.level = INFO

java.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter
java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern = logs/log%g.log
java.util.logging.FileHandler.limit = 10485760
java.util.logging.FileHandler.count = 3

Running the survey

1. Configure the scripts.

The first step is to configure the scripts. All the scripts use the same configuration file in the script folder with the name scripts.cfg.

Constant Example Description
WORK_DIR $HOME/temp Base working directory
EAI_NAME eai-survey EAI Tool name
EAI_VERSION 1.1.0 EAI Tool version
EAI_CONFIG_FILENAME $PWD/ EAI Tool configuration file
EAI_LOG_CONFIG_FILENAME $PWD/ EAI Tool log configuration file
EAI_LOGS_DIR $HOME/logs EAI Tool logs folder. Mapped to: /logs
EAI_MAXMIND_FILENAME $HOME/geoip/GeoIP2-Country.mmdb EAI Tool MaxMind database file
EAI_RUN_COMMAND java -Xmx4g -jar $EAI_NAME-$EAI_VERSION.jar EAI Tool execution command
BUILDAH_BUILDER_IMAGE Buildah builder container image
BUILDAH_RUN_IMAGE Buildah run container image
ZONES_SRC_DIR $HOME/zones Sorce zones directory
ZONES_DIR $WORK_DIR/zones Working zones directory
DB_DIR $WORK_DIR/data Database files
DB_IMAGE Database container image
DB_BIND_ADDR Database binding address
DB_BIND_PORT 3306 Database binding port
DB_INIT_SCRIPT_FILENAME $PWD/src/test/resources/tables.sql Database initial script
DB_NAME maria Database container name
DB_MEM 20G Memory used by the database
DB_USERNAME eai Database username
DB_PASSWORD eai Database password
CSV_DIR $WORK_DIR/csv Output directory
AWS_DIR $HOME/.aws Amazon AWS client config path
AWS_IMAGE Amazon AWS client container image
SNOWSQL_DIR $HOME/.snowsql SnowSQL client path
SQL_FILENAME dev/shm/import.sql Temporal sql file with the results
TABLES ("progress" "record" "record_mx" "mx" "mx_ip" "ip") List of tables to export
S3_URL s3://example AWS S3 URL to upload

2. Execute script.

The next step is executing the script. This script search for the latest zones files, decompress them, parse them, and creates an import database file. This script also creates a Docker container from the latest version of MariaDB image.

Zone files are expected to be found in the location specified by the ZONES_SRC_DIR parameter, following the structure below. In the directory structure, the yyyymmdd directory is replaced with the date corresponding to the date of the zone files to be used in the survey, and tld1, tld2, etc. is replaced with the actual TLDs to be surveyed. If more than one directory is found for multiple dates, the script will consider the directory named after the latest date available only:

  • source_directory (as configured for the ZONES_SRC_DIR constant)
    • yyyymmdd
      • tld1
      • tld2

3.a Manual Execution: Running the main JAR

The next step is to execute the main JAR file. This application will search, resolve, and test all the Mail Exchange servers. If a critical error occurs at any point of the execution, the user can re-run this application and resume the test.

java -Xmx4g -jar eai-survey-1.1.0.jar

Users can check the progress of the survey querying the temporary database.

# Check general progress. The timestamp indicates when the step was finished.
select * from progress;

# Count SLD to process
select count(*) from record where status = 'N';

# Count MX to resolve
select count(*) from mx where status_4 = 'N' or status_6 = 'N';

# Count MX to test
select count(*) from ip where status = 'N';

3.b Podman/Docker Execution: Runing the survey

The next step is running the survey using the script that utilizes Podman or Docker to run the code inside a container.


Users can check the progress of the survey querying the temporary database.

# Check general progress. The timestamp indicates when the step was finished.
select * from progress;

# Count SLD to process
select count(*) from record where status = 'N';

# Count MX to resolve
select count(*) from mx where status_4 = 'N' or status_6 = 'N';

# Count MX to test
select count(*) from ip where status = 'N';

4. Checking the results (Optional)

The user also can use the script to display a summary of the execution. This script can take a while, so please be patient. The user and password to use for accessing the database must be replaced accordingly.

Here is an example of the execution.

$ ./

| name                    | timestamp           |
| Process started         | 2021-06-13 18:47:45 |
| Search MX Servers       | 2021-06-14 18:11:34 |
| Resolve IPv4 MX Servers | 2021-06-14 22:38:52 |
| Resolve IPv6 MX Servers | 2021-06-15 01:26:30 |
| Probe MX Servers        | 2021-06-17 22:53:11 |
| Resolve GeoIP Location  | 2021-07-01 01:48:25 |

Number of SLD: 207,461,843
| result   | count       |
| 0K       | 100,325,168 |
| No MX    | 93,111,393  |
| NxDomain | 2,037,559   |
| Refused  | 24,007      |
| ServFail | 11,963,716  |

Number of MX: 34,486,103

Number of IP: 2,567,691
- Server responded: 1,730,389
- Server timeout: 837,302

- Test allowed: 1,715,913
- Test denied: 768

- EHLO test passed: 168,941
- ASCII test passed: 155,439
- UTF-8 test passed: 155,071

5. Exporting the results (Optional)

Once that the survey completes, the user can use the script to export all database tables into CSV files. The script also compresses the files to optimize upload time to the S3 bucket. And finally, the script imports all the data into the snowflake data warehouse.

The S3 bucket and the SnowSQL client must be configured and available to the user. Here is a copy of the used configurations:


region = [redacted]


aws_access_key_id = [redacted]
aws_secret_access_key = [redacted]


accountname = [redacted]
username = [redacted]
password = [redacted]
dbname = [redacted]
schema = [redacted]
warehousename = [redacted]
rolename = [redacted]

6. Podman / Docker Storage

Depending on the size and the quantity of the zone tested, the EAI survey can take up a lot of hard disk space. If you plan to use Podman or Docker to run it, consider configuring the storage to a big partition.

Here is an example of how to configure both container managers.

Podman ~/.config/containers/storage.conf

driver = "overlay"
runroot = "/data/podman"
graphroot = "/data/podman"

mount_program = "/usr/bin/fuse-overlayfs"

Docker /lib/systemd/system/docker.service (Debian)

ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd --data-root /data/docker -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock

7. Podman Threads

The survey code can create a significant number of threads (configurable), and by default Linux and Podman configuration limits the number of threads on the system.

To update the max number of threads, configure the following files:

File /etc/systemd/logind.conf


File /etc/sysctl.conf


File ~/.config/containers/containers.conf

#Note: Maximum number of processes allowed in a container. 0 indicates that no limit is imposed.

8. Podman rootless containers exit once the user session exits.

Depending on the data, the survey can take a lot of time to process, and if you are using Podman, usually the container exit once you log out of your user session.

You can run the following command to prevent this behavior before closing the session.

# loginctl enable-linger $UID

Results ER Diagram


progress {
    int id PK
    varchar(100) name
    timestamp timestamp

record {
    varchar(255) name PK
    varchar(63) zone
    char(1) status

record_mx {
    varchar(255) owner PK, FK
    varchar(255) mx PK, FK

mx {
    varchar(255) mx PK
    char(1) status_4
    char(1) status_6

mx_ip {
    varchar(155) mx PK, FK
    varchar(39) ip PK, FK

ip {
    varchar(39) ip PK
    char(1) status
    text(32768) header
    text(4000) ehlo_result
    char(1) ehlo_success
    text(4000) ascii_result
    char(1) ascii_success
    text(4000) idn_result
    char(1) idn_success
    char(1) country
    timestamp timestamp

record ||--o{ record_mx : has
mx ||--|{ record_mx: has
mx ||--o{ mx_ip : has
ip ||--|{ mx_ip: has
progress Records the time when a step of the survey was finished
id Step id
name Step name
timestamp Timestamp when the step was finished
record Records of all the zones
owner SLD
zone Zone
status Search for MX Servers Status [1]
mx List the MX servers related to the records
mx MX Server
status_4 Resolve IPv4 Status [1]
status_6 Resolve IPv6 Status [1]
ip List the IP addresses for the MX servers
ip IP Address
status Survey test status for the IP address [2]
header Server message when first connected
ehlo_result Server response to the EHLO command
ehlo_success Indicate if EHLO test was successful
ascii_result Server response to the ASCII test
ascii_success Indicate if the ASCII test was successful
idn_result Server response to the IDN test
idn_success Indicate if the IDN test was successful
country Country code of the IP address.
timestamp Timestamp of the test

[1] Status List:

  • N - No Searched
  • S - Searched (No Error)
  • X - Empty Answer
  • # - RCode
  • E - Unexpected Error

[2] IP Status List:

  • N - No Tested
  • S - Skipped Special
  • X - Excluded
  • T - Tested


Copyright 2021 Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN")

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


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